Dear all,
Hope all is well.
The results of the German federal election were announced. You might wonder what the role of social media in this election was and what kind of risks they caused. Here is a report of the Sustainable Computing lab about this, titled: "The 2021 German Federal Election on Social Media: An Analysis of Systemic Electoral Risks Created by Twitter and Facebook Based on the Proposed EU Digital Services Act". Great job, @ Johanne Kübler, Marie-Therese Sekwenz, Felicitas Rachinger, Anna König, Rita Gsenger, Eliška Pírková, Ben Wagner, Matthias C. Kettemann, Michael Krennerich, Carolina Ferro. Thank you all!
Link:… <…>
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: rektorin <rektorin(a)>
> Subject: [Wunet-mitarbeitende] 2, 5G ab 1.10 an WU / Stricter COVID-19 requirements at WU from October 1
> Date: 27. September 2021 at 12:50:30 CEST
> To: "wunet-mitarbeitende(a)" <wunet-mitarbeitende(a)>
> Reply-To: hotline(a)
> Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
> die WU wird die angekündigten strengeren Corona-Maßnahmen der Stadt Wien übernehmen. Ab Freitag, 1. Oktober 2021 ist daher ein 2,5G Nachweis(Geimpft, Genesen oder PCR-Testung) zu erbringen. Dies gilt für alle Mitarbeitende, Studierende und externen Gäste/Besucher*innen der WU, auch für den Zutritt zu Lehrveranstaltungen. Antigen-Tests werden ab diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr akzeptiert. PCR-Tests sind nur noch 48 Stunden gültig.
> Zusätzlich besteht ab 1. Oktober 2021 für alle Personen während des unmittelbaren Studierenden- und Kund*innenkontakts sowie des Parteienverkehrs die Verpflichtung, in den Gebäuden der WU – statt wie bisher des bloßen Mund-Nasen-Schutzes – nunmehr wieder eine FFP2-Maske zu tragen.
> Bitte beachten Sie diese Änderungen und tragen Sie dafür Sorge, dass die Vorgaben erfüllt werden. Es könnte zu arbeitsrechtlichen Konsequenzen kommen, sollte sich herausstellen, dass 2,5G nicht erfüllt wird.
> Die WU kann nicht ausschließen, dass es in Zukunft seitens Stadt Wien und/oder Bundesregierung zu weiteren Verschärfungen in Richtung 2G oder 1G kommen wird. Falls Sie also bisher noch keine Gelegenheit hatten, nutzen Sie bitte die Möglichkeit, sich direkt am Campus in der TC Hall gegen COVID-19 impfen zu lassen.
> Weitere Informationen und Details zu 2,5G finden Sie wie immer auf der SharePoint Informationsseite zu COVID-19 <>.
> Reminder: Sollten Sie noch Fragen haben, laden wir Sie gerne am 30. September um 8:30 Uhr zu einem Townhall-Meeting ein. Klicken Sie HIER <…>, um daran teilzunehmen.
> Vielen Dank für Ihre Kooperation und ein großes Dankeschön an all jene Personen, die sich bereits impfen haben lassen.
> Im Namen des Rektorats
> Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger
> Dear colleagues,
> WU will adopt the tightened COVID-19 measures announced by the City of Vienna. Therefore, as of Friday, October 1, 2021, stricter rules for proof of low epidemiological risk (vaccinated, recovered, or PCR tested) must be implemented. This applies to all employees, students, and external guests/visitors of WU, and also for admission to classes. Antigen tests will no longer be accepted as of this date. PCR tests are only valid for 48 hours.
> In addition, as of October 1, 2021, all persons with direct contact to students, customers, and the public will be required to wear an FFP2 mask again in WU buildings – instead of just wearing a simple face mask, as previously considered sufficient.
> Please take note of these changes and make sure that the new requirements are met. Failure to comply with the new, tighter rules may result in consequences under employment law.
> WU cannot rule out the possibility that the City of Vienna and/or the federal government may further tighten COVID-19 rules going forward (e.g. only vaccinated or recovered status may be accepted as proof of low epidemiological risk, or a “vaccination only” requirement may be imposed). So if you haven’t had a chance to get a COVID-19 shot yet, please take the opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19 directly on campus in our vaccination center in the TC Hall.
> As always, more information and details on the new requirements can be found on the SharePoint information page on COVID-19 <>.
> Reminder: if you have further questions, we would like to invite you to a town hall meeting on September 30 at 8:30am. Click HERE <…> to attend.
> Thank you for your cooperation and a big thank you to everyone who has already received their COVID-19 shots.
> On behalf of the Rector’s Office,
> Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger
> ******************************************************
> Univ.Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger
> Rektorin
> Rector
> WU
> Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
> Vienna University of Economics and Business
> Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude AD, 1020 Vienna, Austria
> Tel: + 43-1-31336-4700
> Fax: + 43-1-31336-90-4700
> E-Mail: rektorin(a) <>
> <>
> _______________________________________________
> Wunet-Mitarbeitende mailing list
> Wunet-Mitarbeitende(a) <>
> <>
Dear all,
Hope you are enjoying your time.
Here is more information about the W3C Consent CG that might be interesting for some of you.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Soheil Human <soheil.human(a)>
> Subject: Consent Community Group: Motivation; Mission and Objectives; Workshop and Plans for Action
> Date: 26. August 2021 at 12:52:14 CEST
> To: public-consent(a)
> Hello All,
> Hope all is well and you are enjoying your summer.
> We appreciate your interest in creating a ‘Consent Community Group’ (Consent-CG). This (first) email to the mailing list reiterates the motivation and mission for creating the CG, and invites participants to an informal workshop (planned for October end) to understand the diverse expertise within the group and chart its impactful journey ahead. You can see more details about the event, an invitation for submitting action statements, and logistics in the last section of this email.
> # Motivation for creating a Consent-CG
> We started this group with the philosophy that consent, as part of the broader right to privacy (and freedom), is an essential part of being human and thus part of our agency. As we delve deeper into a digital society, the tools and technologies we use have increasingly taken over the mediation of our ‘agency’—resulting in a disconnect between what we, as individuals and as society, expect and want regarding our privacy.
> Regardless of what philosophy or ideals we hold or which jurisdiction we may be in, it is clear that consent is a part of our society and that our laws try to reflect it as they move forward. Yet, there is a distinct lack of collective action regarding consenting on the web (and the internet)—despite it being a prime motivator of our social and technological progress.
> This group was thus formed to create a collective force of people and organisations who want to change the way consent and consenting works today—particularly the aspects of malpractices, user empowerment, technical implementations, and legal enforceability.
> # Mission and Objectives
> Our mission: to improve the experience of digital consenting while ensuring it remains adherent to relevant standards and laws.
> Our objectives: (i) provide a space for people and stakeholders to come together, (ii) highlight and analyse concepts, issues and problems about digital consenting, (iii) propose and develop solutions.
> Some concrete areas for the working of this group are: (a) developing interdisciplinary solutions; (b) documenting and achieving legal compliance; (c) improving the user experience; and (d) utilising existing and developing new concepts and standards for digital consent.
> # Workshop and Plans for Action
> We started the group with the aim of working on providing a collective space to discuss issues, solutions, and innovations around consent based on our own knowledge and expertise. In time, the group of participants has come to include a diverse range of expertise, and we welcome such participation and rely on its experience and wisdom to make this an impactful community.
> We are thus kickstarting the consent community through an informal workshop, where we can discuss the mission and chart activities and objectives for the coming year. The event will also allow us and everyone to be better understand the diversity in perspectives, thoughts, and proposals for actions present between us.
> We invite statements of action outlining your thoughts on how consent and consenting can be improved in terms of issues, solutions, and innovations that the group can work towards. As a suggestion, you can tell us what comes to mind when using the phrase “We can improve consent and consenting by …”.
> We will utilise the statements to draft the agenda for the event by identifying topics and actions for discussion. These will be put up on the group’s website (to be created). Participation in the event is open and does not require submissions.
> To submit, send your content (email, HTML, PDF, ODT DOCX, TXT, MD, whatever) using the email associated with your w3 account and the subject line: “Statement of Action”.
> 1) public mailing list: public-consent(a) <>
> 2) private members-only mailing list: internal-consent(a) <>
> 3) private not-shared: email chairs at soheil.human(a) <> or/and me(a) <>
> We plan to have the workshop on: either Wed. 27.October.2021 or Sat. 30.October.2021 from 17:00 to 19:30 CEST. Would you please specify your availability in your statements or through this non-invasive preference poll: <>
> Participation in the workshop is free of charge, open to the public, and not limited to group members (so as to invite further participation). However, the workshop agenda will be based on received statements from the group. We hope to utilise the workshop as a launching point for coming together and co-creating an impactful group.
> Looking forward to it,
> Best,
> Soheil (and Harsh)
> --
> Director
> Sustainable Computing Lab
> <>
> Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
> Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
> <>
> Lecturer
> Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear all,
Hope all is well, and you enjoyed your summer.
MyData Hub Austria, in collaboration with Austrian Digital Value (ADV) and Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO), is organising an event on MyData and MyData Operators in Vienna. The event will be bilingual (German and English).
This is an excellent opportunity for those who like to learn more about MyData and MyData Operators.
If you like to participate, get yourself Registered ASAP, as there are limited places available.
When? 14. Oktober 2021 @ 16:30-17:30 Uhr
Where? ADV - Austrian Digital Value - Hintere Zollamtsstraße 1, 1030 Wien
How to register? Anmeldung bis zum 7. Oktober 2021 12.00 Uhr
unter office(a)
COVID-19 rules/regulations will be applied.
More info (German): Attached.
Looking forward to it,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
In case you have not received this…
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Our Jour Fixe tomorrow at 9:00 am
> Date: 16.08.2021 18:01
> From: Matej Poljak <a12010283(a)>
> To: SCLab_Junior <sclab_junior-bounces(a)>
> Dear all,
> I hope everything is fine and you are enjoying the summer.
> I would just like to remind everyone that we will have our Jour Fixe Tuesday, 17.8. at 9:00 am.
> In case you can't find it, here is the ZOOM link we are currently using:
> Join Zoom Meeting
> Meeting ID: 914 4141 9239
> Passcode: 003964
> Looking forward to it.
> Best,
> Matej
Dear all,
Hope all is well.
While you are enjoying your summer, don’t miss this highly interesting event which is supported by SCLab:
> Thursday, 15 July 2021, 12-13.30 CEST
> Using Courts to Effect Change: Can we (Pre)Judge the Future?
> Introduction: Matthias C. Kettemann
> Senior Researcher, HBI and HIIG
> Chair: Giovanni De Gregorio
> Bocconi University
> Panel:
> Eliška Pirkova
> Senior Analyst, Access Now
> Jillian C. York
> Director for International Freedom of Expression, EFF
> Paulo José Lara
> Article19
> Closing Lecture: Oreste Pollicino
> Bocconi University
> Closing Words: Wolfgang Schulz
> Director, HBI; Director, HIIG
> *****************************************************
> Thema: "COURTS AS AGENTS OF DIGITAL GOVERNANCE" Using Courts to Effect Change: Can we (Pre)Judge the Future?
> Uhrzeit: 15.Juli.2021 12:00 PM Paris
> Zoom-Meeting beitreten
>… <…>
> Meeting-ID: 850 8753 6785
> Kenncode: 790769
> *****************************************************
> You can find the complete program as a PDF available for download <…>.
Thanks Wolfgang Schulz, Matthias C. Kettemann and Giovanni De Gregorio!
Looking forward to it,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Matthias C. Kettemann" <m.kettemann(a)>
> Subject: Courts of the Future – The Future of Courts: Zoom link for Thursday, 15 July 2021, 12-13.30 CEST
> Date: 14. July 2021 at 11:24:04 CEST
> To: Wolfgang Schulz <w.schulz(a)>, Giovanni de Gregorio <degregorio.giovanni(a)>, "matthias.kettemann(a)" <matthias.kettemann(a)>
> Dear colleagues,
> we are very much looking forward to our last meeting in the framework of our "Courts of the Future" series.
> Thursday, 15 July 2021, 12-13.30 CEST
> Using Courts to Effect Change: Can we (Pre)Judge the Future?
> Introduction: Matthias C. Kettemann
> Senior Researcher, HBI and HIIG
> Chair: Giovanni De Gregorio
> Bocconi University
> Panel:
> Eliška Pirkova
> Senior Analyst, Access Now
> Jillian C. York
> Director for International Freedom of Expression, EFF
> Paulo José Lara
> Article19
> Closing Lecture: Oreste Pollicino
> Bocconi University
> Closing Words: Wolfgang Schulz
> Director, HBI; Director, HIIG
> *****************************************************
> Thema: "COURTS AS AGENTS OF DIGITAL GOVERNANCE" Using Courts to Effect Change: Can we (Pre)Judge the Future?
> Uhrzeit: 15.Juli.2021 12:00 PM Paris
> Zoom-Meeting beitreten
>… <…>
> Meeting-ID: 850 8753 6785
> Kenncode: 790769
> *****************************************************
> You can find the complete program as a PDF available for download <…>.
> Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
> Best wishes
> Wolfgang Schulz, Matthias C. Kettemann und Giovanni De Gregorio