Tardy Happy new year wishes to all of you! Let’s make it a great one!
What’s new?
Here is the list of hubs, who have gone through the peer-acceptance telco by now, and (are being) approved by the board.
There are also 8 hubs in the waiting line - we’re coordinating with everybody to find a suitable time as we speak.
Keep you applications coming in, and/or get in touch to discuss your ideas or concerns how to move forward with your planned local hub or thematic group !
To do so,
2. I will then send you a doodle poll to find a time for peer-acceptance call together with a fellow Initiative!
3. Once your application is seconded, we will put up a motion to the MyData Global Board to approve your status!
Funding opportunity
It’s a great opportunity to gather some funding for your future projects and engage with your participants!
Join a Global call on Friday, Jan 18th at 11am (CET)
Let’s tune in at #global channel to discuss how to make the network of MyData initiatives even stronger.
- What are the key actions that can empower motivated people in various places in the world to kickstart a Local hub and/or Thematic Group?
- What needs to happen, so that we can start an inspiring and useful cross-collaboration within the community?
I have some suggestions, what are yours?
Looking forward to hear from you all!
Sille Sepp