yes, 15 minutes would be nice.
Mag. Bernhard Krabina
KDZ - Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung
Centre for Public Administration Research
Guglgasse 13, 1110 Wien
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----- Am 26. Mrz 2019 um 11:58 schrieb Elmar Kiesling
> Dear all,
> The preliminary program for the second iteration of the myData meetup next week
> is shaping up nicely [1].
> We got quite a bit of response from TU students, six of the best groups from a
> course will contribute flash talks and report on their experiences requesting
> personal data from data controllers and showcase some analyses and applications
> they implemented on top of the personal data they got.
> A few questions as we go about finalizing the program [1]:
> 1. Michael Shea: Welcome, Introduction: A look back at (almost) a year of GDPR.
> → @Michael: Does that title for the introduction work for you? How much time do
> you want to spend [somewhere in the range of 5-10mins?]
> 2. Bernhard Krabina:
> → @Bernhard: How much time do you need for your talk on
> [somewhere in the range of 10-15mins?]
> 3. Soheil Human, Fajar Ekaputra, Elmar Kiesling: Exercises in exercising the
> GDPR right of access
> → We have 6 TU student groups (5mins each, i.e., 30mins) scheduled here now,
> which is quite a bit more than I had anticipated, but which I’d like to keep.
> → @Soheil: Does the title work for you? Shall we do the summaries on the GDPR
> questionnaire results separately as planned or shall we touch base and see if
> we can merge them somehow to save time?
> Any other inputs for the program are of course welcome..
> Cheers,
> Elmar
> —————————————————————————————————
> Elmar Kiesling, PhD.
> Vienna University of Technology
> Research Division Information and Software Engineering
> Favoritenstrasse 9-11/194-01
> 1040 Vienna, Austria
> T: +43/(0)1/58801-188588
> F: +43/(0)1/58801-9-188588
> ——————————————————————————————————
> [1]