Hi. I've filled in WP4 with text to start getting some consensus around what the deliverables and items of actions will be in each of the tasks.
Please check the 6 tasks related to: 1) Controller (term inclusive of processor) data management and UI/UX 2) Data Subject data management and UI/UX 3) Security
Task descriptions are vague, and I'm hoping we get consensus around deliverables and research questions first before expanding descriptions. I'm also hoping this helps formulating relations between tasks in WP3, WP4, and WP5.
Below tasks in the document is the text from Stephen Farrell, which I've tried to imply in tasks T4.5 and T4.6 for security.
link: https://humans.ocloud.de/index.php/apps/onlyoffice/s/FBNQZN2Lr9F2cAo?fileId=... If you cannot open it, its in the the shared folder at: root --> WPs and Tasks --> WP4.docx