Dear all,
Hope all is well.
Thanks a lot for participating in our looooong meeting yesterday.
We fixed all tasks, deliverables, milestones, due dates, objectives, … yesterday. I’d appreciate it if you do not change the tasks, deliverables, milestones, due dates, and objectives without direct coordination with me. Only titles (of the tasks, deliverables, and milestones) can be improved BY TASK Leads (if the updates will not change the main intentions/objectives of the tasks). Everyone can still contribute to improving the descriptions of the tasks in coordination with the task leads. Clearly, everyone is more than welcome to add comments and suggest new titles if needed.
@task-leads: Please finalise the description of your tasks, as well as the title of ALL of the deliverables and milestones that are related to your tasks ASAP, preferability TODAY!
@WP leads: Please finalise the titles of your WPs and their related descriptions ASAP.
If there are urgent matters to be discussed or communicated, please do not hesitate to contact me (or write an email to everyone if needed).
We are taking the very last steps; I appreciate the commitment and efforts of every one of you,
Thanks a lot,
Cheers, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear Soheil,
This is just to report that UPM's team is meeting only on Friday (but I will try to advance some work tomorrow Thursday)
El 06/10/2021 a las 11:33, Soheil Human escribió:
Dear all,
Hope all is well.
Thanks a lot for participating in our looooong meeting yesterday.
We fixed all tasks, deliverables, milestones, due dates, objectives, … yesterday. I’d appreciate it if you do not change the *tasks, deliverables, milestones, due dates, and objectives* without direct coordination with me. Only titles (of the tasks, deliverables, and milestones) can be improved BY TASK Leads (if the updates will not change the main intentions/objectives of the tasks). Everyone can still contribute to improving the descriptions of the tasks in coordination with the task leads. Clearly, everyone is more than welcome to add comments and suggest new titles if needed.
@task-leads: Please finalise the description of your tasks, as well as the title of ALL of the deliverables and milestones that are related to your tasks *ASAP*, preferability TODAY!
@WP leads: Please finalise the titles of your WPs and their related descriptions ASAP.
If there are urgent matters to be discussed or communicated, please do not hesitate to contact me (or write an email to everyone if needed).
We are taking the very last steps; I appreciate the commitment and efforts of every one of you,
Thanks a lot,
Cheers, Soheil
*Director* Sustainable Computing Lab
Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
*Lecturer* Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna