Hi all,
as promised, I created the IRC channel
irc.w3.org port 6667
If you have an IRC client, you know what to do.
People without experience should connect via the web interface https://irc.w3.org You can later get a dedicated IRC client up and running with the help of the nerds :)
For "Nickname" just chose a name that allows others to recognize you. Mine is "rigo". The system will complain if there is a conflict of naming. In this case, chose another name or add counts :)
For channels, please insert "#consenting"
(all without quotation marks)
The interface is mostly self explaining. You'll have one box at the very bottom of the window where you can type your contributions. If you want to do more than talking, you need to learn the IRC commands that start with "/" and a command.
See http://ircbeginner.com for more information
Dear all,
I attach a first version of the complaint management use case -I do not know exactly in which nextcloud folder should it live
Dear all (this time with a good subject for the email),
I attach a first version of the complaint management use case -I do not know exactly in which nextcloud folder should it live