Dear all
May I remind you in your poll entry!!
To prevent repetitive Terminos, we use a single Termino to coordinate ALL of the meetings.
(@Harsh, Victor, Rigo,...: You can send this Termino to Dell, Zaragoza, Stephen Farrell, …)
Please have a look who should participate in which meeting. (Of course all meetings are open to all.)
Prior to the regular consortium meeting (next Thursday 1pm), we will organise the following meetings
1. A meeting to discuss the security-related topics and tasks; Harsh will coordinate this (participants: Rigo, Stephen Farrell, Gabriele, Victor, Vincent, Soheil...)
2. A meeting to discuss the case of Zaragoza (smart city, tourism, crisis management, ...): Victor will coordinate this (participants: Zaragoza's representatives, Rigo, Victor, Gabriele, Harsh, George, Soheil...).
3. A meeting to discuss the case of Dell (smart vehicles): Rigo will coordinate this (participants: Dell's representatives, Rigo, Victor, Gabriele, Harsh, Georg, Vincent, Soheil...)
4. A meeting to discuss the WPs/Tasks.
a. Preparation:
i. WP1: Soheil ii. WP2/WP3: Soheil/Rigo, iii. WP4: Victor, iv. WP5: Vincent, v. WP6: Petra, Harsh, Cristiana, Soheil vi. (Security tasks will be discussed in a meeting coordinated by Harsh) vii. Overall review: Harsh/Dave/Gabriele/Everyone.
Soheil will coordinate the meeting. Participants (Rigo, Soheil, Victor, Vincent, Harsh, Cristiana, Dave, everyone interested)
Thanks in advance and
Best regards