[EU-CONSENTiNG] - conference call
15. July 2021 - 13:00 to 14:00 CEST
Dear all
Please find below the agenda and the zoom link for the tomorrow's meeting.
Main Topic:
* Writing strategy:
project focus vs call focus
required partners' contributions, application structure under Horizon Europe
WP table elaboration
Work orga via Kanban
* Varia
For internal collaboration, please find the contact list incl. vacation periods of the partners in the shared folder:
https://humans.ocloud.de/index.php/apps/onlyoffice/2749525?filePath=%2F2021_ EU_CONSENTiNG_Consortium%2FEU-CONSENTiNG%20contact%20list.xlsx
-->May I ask you to correct/complete the given information.
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 9814 4491
Passcode: 316448
If not jet done, please send your DRAFT budget to Soheil and me.
Many thanks in advance, see you all tomorrow.
Best regards
Dr. Petra Zalud
CEO tp21
tp21 GmbH . Luisenstrasse 14 . D-10117 Berlin
skype: za-tp21 T:+49 (0)30 530 45 95 5
https://tp21.com https://tp21.com
Sitz: Berlin . Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Berlin HRB 156791 B . Ust-Id-Nr./VAT-ID: DE 229548135