Dear all


This is a reminder in our consortium meeting tomorrow, 1-2 pm.



From next week, and as the result of the Termino poll we will have our weekly consortium meetings on Tuesdays 2-4 pm. This allows all partners to join, even if not for the entire duration.


Please be ready to start writing this week. Soheil will present the writing procedure tomorrow.

If not yet done, please complete your partner description on the EU Portal.

Log in, link above >> Euro-CyberPerfection >> Edit draft >> Edit Forms >> Participants >> Show Participants details

Please do not forget to SAVE form before leaving the site !!!


See you

Best regards







Dr. Petra Zalud

CEO tp21


tp21 GmbH • Luisenstrasse 14 • D-10117 Berlin

skype: za-tp21
T:+49 (0)30 530 45 95 5

Sitz: Berlin • Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Berlin HRB 156791 B •  Ust-Id-Nr./VAT-ID: DE 229548135