I have to send my regrets. I have too many pots cooking and there are meetings of the multistakeholder platform on standardisation and on the EU standardisation rolling plan.
On Wed, 2021-09-29 at 09:27 +0200, Vincent Roca wrote:
Dear all,
Quick teaser for my talk this Friday ;-)
It’s basically the story of someone who wants to install smart bulbs at home and tests a few applications and devices to control them. What’s behind the scene from a technical viewpoint, and what does it mean in terms of data flows and privacy in particular? So it’s a quick tour into this smart jungle that big tech companies want to deploy in our homes… … and where the EU-cyberPERFECTION Framework would be so helpful :-)
Cheers, Vincent
Vincent Roca, PhD/HDR, PRIVATICS team leader, Inria research institute, France https://privatics.inrialpes.fr/people/roca/
Le 28 sept. 2021 à 18:59, Soheil Human soheil.human@WU.AC.AT a écrit :
Dear consortium members,
As I wrote to you before, we would like to invite you to participate in Vincent’s talk this Friday at 12:00.
Title: “Smart Bulbs and Privacy: Lost in the Smart Jungle"
More information: https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu/event/vincent-roca-smart-bulbs-and-priva... < https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu/event/vincent-roca-smart-bulbs-and-priva...
Join Zoom Meeting https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/94811049273?pwd=djhJMTJYOUR5REZJaHZ2RXQyVExndz09 < https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/94811049273?pwd=djhJMTJYOUR5REZJaHZ2RXQyVExndz09
Meeting ID: 948 1104 9273 Passcode: 561188
Please feel free to invite your other colleagues or students,
Looking forward to it, Best, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu%C2%A0< https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu/%3E Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) https://nm.wu.ac.at/human%C2%A0https://nm.wu.ac.at/human Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
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