Hi Harsh,


Doesn't look like I can select anything Tuesday...





-----Original Message-----
From: EU-CONSENTiNG_consortium <eu-consenting_consortium-bounces@alice.wu.ac.at> On Behalf Of Harshvardhan J. Pandit
Sent: 16 September 2021 20:21
To: eu-consenting_consortium
Subject: Re: [Eu-consenting_consortium] Security WP/Tasks





Hello. None of the timings are suitable for people who have entered their preferences. I've extended the time slots for Tuesday as well in case needed.



https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/p/6f2ad8edefaec7f3206f804067454889-86555__;!!LpKI!2EoeNgvElgMrgKryCkOihVwcNFp_MUlC2uOv9KXJGGe_3EyQ1scAezjPZfvhKXLnDw$ [termino[.]gv[.]at]


Those who have entered their timings: thank you.


@Gabriele @Vincent if you could please enter yours as well, we can discuss and agree on security tasks in time for next week's writing exercises.





On 16/09/2021 14:02, Harshvardhan J. Pandit wrote:

> Hello All.

> Following today's meeting, we agreed to have a specific call on

> security tasks and what specifics it should have within the project.

> This is specifically for security testing and questions such as what

> methods to use and what platforms can be usable.


> IMHO the security partners (TCD/Stephen, LUX/Gabriele, and

> Inria/Vincent) should attend the call along with use-case partners

> (EMC/Aidan and Zaragoza/Victor) requested to join so as provide an

> idea on what infrastructure is available and can be utilised.


> For this, please fill in your available times using this poll by today

> 19:00 CEST (SEP-16). Then I'll select the commonly suitable time and

> circulate it.


> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/p/6f2ad8ede

> faec7f3206f804067454889-86555__;!!LpKI!2EoeNgvElgMrgKryCkOihVwcNFp_MUl

> C2uOv9KXJGGe_3EyQ1scAezjPZfvhKXLnDw$ [termino[.]gv[.]at]


> [FYI] in WP4, we have two tasks proposed for security. T4.5 dealing

> with security of data and policies, and T4.6 dealing with 'white-box'

> testing, pentesting, attack models, etc.


> Regards,




Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D

Research Fellow

ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://harshp.com/__;!!LpKI!2EoeNgvElgMrgKryCkOihVwcNFp_MUlC2uOv9KXJGGe_3EyQ1scAezjPZfsPi9gC6w$ [harshp[.]com]


EU-CONSENTiNG_consortium mailing list


https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://alice.wu.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/eu-consenting_consortium__;!!LpKI!2EoeNgvElgMrgKryCkOihVwcNFp_MUlC2uOv9KXJGGe_3EyQ1scAezjPZftFzbLNTg$ [alice[.]wu[.]ac[.]at]


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