Hi Soheil,


Sure, will do, I’ll add those aspects.






Internal Use - Confidential

From: Soheil Human <soheil.human@wu.ac.at>
Sent: 16 October 2021 09:36
To: OMahony, Aidan; eu-consenting_consortium@alice.wu.ac.at; Globin, Merry
Subject: CASE 1 – Description: IMPORTANT



Dear Aidan, Dear Merry, 


The case 1’s description has been improved (thanks @you + Jon/Georg/Vincent); however, it is still highly focused on consent. Could you please include other aspects to the case description:

e.g. cybersecurity, federated computation, other privacy meta data, HALE meta-data, cyber threats, etc.?


I’d appreciate it if you develop the story based on our main elements and include them explicitly in the use-case description:


— Cybersecurity meta data

— privacy and security threat detection, communication, prevention,

— human-centric computing, i.e. PDPCASs and DCS-UIs

— Transparency and understandability

— Federated computation: negotiations, operations, etc….


The use-cases are supposed to provide implementations of the main framework and need to be designed according to our overall story. 


We might not include all aspects, but focusing only on consent is not the focus of the project based on the Call text as well as our narrative. Consent is for sure an important part of the framework but is not the only thing that we work on. 


Thanks a lot




Sustainable Computing Lab
https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu [sustainablecomputing.eu]

Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
https://nm.wu.ac.at/human [nm.wu.ac.at]

Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna