P.S. The meeting regarding case 1, i.e. Dell, will not be today. Rigo will update you regarding this. [sorry for the misinformation] :) Cheers, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu/ Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) https://nm.wu.ac.at/human https://nm.wu.ac.at/human Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
On 30.08.2021, at 10:43, Soheil Human soheil.human@wu.ac.at wrote:
Dear all,
Hope you enjoyed your weekend, Thanks for adding your availabilities to our Termino: https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/f87af11ef173dc6885aa832139d38e05-84038 https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/f87af11ef173dc6885aa832139d38e05-84038
As you know, we need to coordinate 4 meetings; here is an update regarding them: Meeting regarding WP/Tasks: let’s plan it for Thursday at 08:15 – 09:30 CEST. In this way, we have three days (including today) to discuss the cases, goals, and WPS/Tasks, and finalise the initial suggestions. I chose the time slot in a way that both Rigo and Vincent could participate in the meeting (at least partially). Petra, Cristiana, Rigo, Vincent, Harsh, Victor, me, and everyone else interested will participate in this meeting. This is one of the most important meetings of our consortium. Meeting regarding security tasks => will be coordinated by Harsh ASAP. Meeting regarding case 1, i.e. Dell => will be coordinated by Rigo ASAP. => it might be TODAY at 15:00 (or 16:00). We should wait for Rigo’s confirmation. Meeting regarding case 2, i.e. Zaragoza => will be coordinated by Victor ASAP.
For all of the meetings, please Join Zoom Meeting (the link that we always use): https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/97298144491?pwd=elZVRlgySkJ1c3F0WTdBVlRXWVZqdz09 https://wu-ac-at.zoom.us/j/97298144491?pwd=elZVRlgySkJ1c3F0WTdBVlRXWVZqdz09
Meeting ID: 972 9814 4491 Passcode: 316448
Looking forward to them, Cheers, Soheil
Director Sustainable Computing Lab https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu https://www.sustainablecomputing.eu/ Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) https://nm.wu.ac.at/human https://nm.wu.ac.at/human Lecturer Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna