Dear all,

Since none of you sent an objection to this email, we assume that all of the inputs in the ethics section/form are correct and acceptable for all consortium partners. Please let us know if this is not the case.

Thanks a lot @Cristiana and @Irene.

@Cristiana, please proceed with adding the ethics texts and answer the questions asked in the portal.
Please let me/petra know when you are done.

Thanks a lot,


Sustainable Computing Lab

Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)

Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna

On 20.10.2021, at 15:27, Teixeira Santos, C. (Cristiana) <> wrote:

Dear all
Please check the Ethics Section -- it is a truly important and eliminatory issue section:
  • @Irene Kamara is uploading in the portal but we need your previous confirmation regarding a question for all of you to check
  • Parts A and B have a 5000 character limitation for each text
Irene and Cristiana
Cristiana Santos
PhD in Law and Technology 
Utrecht University School of Law
Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance
EU-CONSENTiNG_consortium mailing list