Dear Jon/Georg,
Thanks a lot for improving the use-case description of the case 3 (also thanks @harsh for the initial text).
The case is very interesting and well written, however, IMHO, we need to update the way we are presenting it. I think the technical aspects are good enough. However, a picky reviewer might ask us: so what? How does this benefit the European data economy in a more general sense (i.e. the other CMPs)? In the other two cases, we do not claim that we are only developing a system for Dell or ZGZ. Here also, IMHO, we need to change the narrative and position Signatu as one possible CMP. (This is more a matter of framing)
The case "as it is" can certainly be used to show the feasibility of the framework (which is itself very important and one of the main reasons of having such pilots), but it seems to me that it is not easy to argue that the specific artefacts that will be developed in the case 3 will be useful for other CMPs, since the narrative is focused on one specific CMP. Again, I fully understand that the case “as it is” is enough for evaluation of the framework, but IMHO, we need to also promote the potential general benefits of the use-case (for other CMPs). What do you think?
Here are my suggestions:
– We use a more inclusive narrative
– (clearly the case can provide us a good PoC for some aspects of our framework)
– We explicitly discuss how this case can also benefit other European CMPs (and data controllers).
In particular, IMHO, we need to update this sentence:
"Pilot 3 involves trialling the integration of solutions developed within CoCoDat with Signatu's existing solutions related to consent management and creating documentation and policies for GDPR-compliance. In this, Signatu, in its capacity as a CMP and SaaS platform will:"
– Question: "creating documentation and policies for GDPR-compliance” for whom?
Do we only provide documentations and policies for “XYZ”, or there will be any other artefact that might be useful for “XYZ”?
I’d appreciate it if you kindly consider these points.
Thanks and best,