Dear all,
Petra and Boris finished their wonderful work and sent me a consolidated “main” document”.
Now, I start with applying all changes done today, which might take a while.
Please do not work on any of the 3 documents (excellence, impact, and implementation) anymore to make sure that we will not miss any contribution. You can work offline in your computers and later change the “main” document as soon as it is shared with you.
We’ll keep you updated and send you the link to the “main” document soon.
Thanks and best,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear all,
Hope all is well.
Due to security reasons we updated the shared NextCloud folder’s password to:
Please let me know if you have any issue accessing it.
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear all,
Hope all is well.
The important update is that:
You can continue working on the 3 Google Documents that we have had today; but in suggesting mode.
From tomorrow until Wednesday, we will work on a consolidated “main” document that includes all 3 sections. We will share you the link this evening.
From Wednesday, we will go offline and changes should be coordinated with Soheil/Petra.
Here are the details but you don’t need to read them if you are not interested in the details:
Today (done by Petra, Boris):
We started to make the “main” document today at 09:00. Thanks a lot @Boris and Petra.
Petra and Boris will do their best to provide a document that is as close as possible to the final format (i.e. the tables, etc.)
Today (done by Everyone)
You can still continue working on the document. However, all your contributions should be in “suggestion mode” (to be able to track them).
Today/evening (done by Petra, Boris):
– No one will have access to the old Google Docs documents (the current ones); only “viewing” access.
– We will provide you with a consolidated “main” document that contains all 3 sections (excellence, impact, implementation). We (Petra + I) decided to keep it on Google Docs (and not the NextCloud).
Today/late evening (done by Soheil):
I will go through the old files and transfer any change that you have done today (on Sunday, while Petra/Boris were working on the consolidation process).
From Tomorrow to Wednesday (Everyone):
We all can work on the “main” document collaboratively.
On Wednesday:
We go offline to do final formatting. Any change should be coordinated directly with Soheil/Petra.
Thanks a lot,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear all,
Thank you so much for all your efforts so far.
Our proposal is becoming better and better every day. The time, however, is passing, and we have a very limited time to take these final steps.
Here is our current plan:
Today and tomorrow (everyone):
— we will keep working on the proposal via Google Docs tonight and tomorrow.
On Sunday (Petra)
— on Sunday, Petra will kindly convert the Google Docs to MS Words and make the “main" document. Let’s call that document “main document” (and not “master”, see…).
From Sunday on (everyone)
— From Sunday on, everyone is more than welcome to continue their contributions, but the contributions should be communicated with Petra/me section-by-section, paragraph-by-paragraph, or element-by-element, to be applied on the main document manually.
— We will keep an updated version of the “main” document on our shared folder, but no one will edit it online.
Like always, any feedback on this plan is appreciated.
Thanks again,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear Jon/Georg,
Thanks a lot for improving the use-case description of the case 3 (also thanks @harsh for the initial text).
The case is very interesting and well written, however, IMHO, we need to update the way we are presenting it. I think the technical aspects are good enough. However, a picky reviewer might ask us: so what? How does this benefit the European data economy in a more general sense (i.e. the other CMPs)? In the other two cases, we do not claim that we are only developing a system for Dell or ZGZ. Here also, IMHO, we need to change the narrative and position Signatu as one possible CMP. (This is more a matter of framing)
The case "as it is" can certainly be used to show the feasibility of the framework (which is itself very important and one of the main reasons of having such pilots), but it seems to me that it is not easy to argue that the specific artefacts that will be developed in the case 3 will be useful for other CMPs, since the narrative is focused on one specific CMP. Again, I fully understand that the case “as it is” is enough for evaluation of the framework, but IMHO, we need to also promote the potential general benefits of the use-case (for other CMPs). What do you think?
Here are my suggestions:
– We use a more inclusive narrative
– (clearly the case can provide us a good PoC for some aspects of our framework)
– We explicitly discuss how this case can also benefit other European CMPs (and data controllers).
In particular, IMHO, we need to update this sentence:
"Pilot 3 involves trialling the integration of solutions developed within CoCoDat with Signatu's existing solutions related to consent management and creating documentation and policies for GDPR-compliance. In this, Signatu, in its capacity as a CMP and SaaS platform will:"
– Question: "creating documentation and policies for GDPR-compliance” for whom?
Do we only provide documentations and policies for “XYZ”, or there will be any other artefact that might be useful for “XYZ”?
I’d appreciate it if you kindly consider these points.
Thanks and best,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear Aidan, Dear Merry,
The case 1’s description has been improved (thanks @you + Jon/Georg/Vincent); however, it is still highly focused on consent. Could you please include other aspects to the case description:
e.g. cybersecurity, federated computation, other privacy meta data, HALE meta-data, cyber threats, etc.?
I’d appreciate it if you develop the story based on our main elements and include them explicitly in the use-case description:
— Cybersecurity meta data
— privacy and security threat detection, communication, prevention,
— human-centric computing, i.e. PDPCASs and DCS-UIs
— Transparency and understandability
— Federated computation: negotiations, operations, etc….
The use-cases are supposed to provide implementations of the main framework and need to be designed according to our overall story.
We might not include all aspects, but focusing only on consent is not the focus of the project based on the Call text as well as our narrative. Consent is for sure an important part of the framework but is not the only thing that we work on.
Thanks a lot
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear Victor/Beatriz,
Thanks for improving the case 2 description. It is an interesting case. However, IMHO, we still need to improve it based on our general narrative and the expectations of the call text.
There are many comments waiting for you in the document where you are explaining the case. I’d appreciate it if you address them asap.
Thanks and best,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear all,
This is a kind reminder that the description of the cases are still missing in the excellence section ( Use-case Pilots). I’d appreciate it if you kindly finalise them asap (by tonight/tomorrow early morning).
Aidan/Merry: the first case / smart cars => Jon/George will kindly update the diagram
@Beatriz/victor: the second case / smart cities
@Jon @George @Rigo: the third case: consent management platform / finalisation
Thank a lot,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Dear Gabriele (Arianna), and Stephen,
Tasks related to Cybersecurity need your urgent attention. e.g.:
T4.4 Security auditing and enforcement
T4.5 White-Box Security Testing of Developed Implementations
I'd appreciate it if you kindly take care of them asap.
Thanks a lot,
Sustainable Computing Lab <>
Institute for Information Systems and New Media,
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) <>
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna