-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] Special Issue on Mining the Web (Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery) Datum: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 09:06:21 +0100 Von: Myra Spiliopoulou myra@iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de An: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
*** Deadline for short proposals approaching: January 8, 2010 ***
A DECADE OF MINING THE WEB A Special Issue in the Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD 2010)
Call for Papers
The Web has changed our way of living, doing business, exchanging information, establishing and maintaining social contacts. Scientists are investigating the phenomenon of the Web from different perspectives. Scholars in knowledge discovery and data mining have turned their attention towards the Web, almost as soon as people started using the Web for a variety of private and business activities. The analysis of human behavior in the Web and the support of knowledge extraction and information acquisition have been the topic of conferences and workshops for over a decade. Among them the WEBKDD workshop, organized since 1999 under the auspices of the ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, has served in establishing a community of Web miners, identifying the challenges of the practitioners and promoting innovative research solutions. About 10 years after this first workshop on mining the Web, we take a fresh look on research achievements and challenges ahead: we invite contributions that combine a retrospection of the achievements in the last decade with an in-depth discussion of current trends and new open problems for the next decade. We solicit both surveys with a strong visionary portion, and visionary works that build upon a solid methodological groundwork. Topics include but are not limited to:
* web analytics * web search * recommender systems * personalization user modeling * online communities social web mining * Semantic Web * computational social science * mining from virtual worlds and games
Submission procedure:
The submission takes place in two phases. In the first phase, an extended abstract PROPOSAL of up to 6 pages should be submitted for evaluation. It should contain adequate information for the reviewers to assess the importance of the topic addressed, the width and depth of the research associated with it and the solidity of the vision promoted. Authors of accepted proposals will be invited to submit full papers.
Manuscripts should be submitted to: http://DAMI.edmgr.com. This online system offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures, and supports a wide range of submission file formats. The article type 'SI: 10 Years of Mining the Web' should be chosen when submitting to this special issue.
Proposal submission: Jan 8, 2010
Proposal notification: Jan 25, 2010
Paper submission: May 14, 2010
Paper notification, First Review: Jul 30, 2010
Revised Papers Due: Oct 22, 2010
Final Paper Notification: Dec 17, 2010
Special Issue Editors:
Myra Spiliopoulou (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, GERMANY)
Bamshad Mobasher (De Paul University Chicago, USA)
Olfa Nasraoui (University of Louisville, USA)
Jaideep Srivastava (University of Minnesotta, USA)
Osmar Zaiane (University of Alberta, CANADA)
Full Call for Papers here: http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/CFP-10618-...
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