-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] REMINDER CFP: 3RD INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH WORKSHOP ON IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT (IRWITPM2008) Datum: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 23:08:53 -0400 Von: Deepak Khazanchi khazanchi@unomaha.edu Antwort an: Deepak Khazanchi khazanchi@unomaha.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
2nd CALL FOR PAPERS December 12th-13th, 2008 at the American University of Paris (AUP), France
(In coordination with ICIS 2008)
The Special Interest Group for IT Project Management (SIGITPROJMGMT) is proud to sponsor its 3rd International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management. The workshop is co-sponsored and hosted by the American University of Paris. The workshop will feature research papers and one or more panels that focus on problems that cut across many traditional IS/T Project Management areas, including, but not limited to, the following topics: virtual project management, agile project management, knowledge networks, project management methodologies, distributed project management, project leadership, project quality metrics, project management standards, best practices in project management, project success, and pedagogical issues. The workshop welcomes high-quality conceptual and empirical contributions that attempt to advance theory and application of project management using any research approach (action research, experimental, grounded theory, design science, survey research, theory development, prototyping, methodology development, PM tool development, etc).
All submissions to IRWITPM 2008 must represent original work that has not already been published in a journal or conference proceedings. If the work has been presented at another conference or is currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere, the authors must disclose this fact.
At least one author for every accepted paper and all members of every accepted panel must register for the workshop and be prepared to present their ideas in person. Authors of accepted submissions must address the suggestions (if any) of the reviewers and submit an electronic copy of the final version of their work by the specified deadline. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal of this work from further consideration and it will not be included on the final program.
All final papers will be published in the form of e-proceedings available via the AIS eLibrary.
Submissions may be of three types:
� Completed research papers,
� Research-in-progress papers, and
� Panel proposals.
As in the past two years, we are extremely pleased to provide IRWITPM 2008 authors presenting at this workshop the opportunity to publish their work in the Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (http://jais.asinet.org). Selected completed research papers presented at the workshop will be considered for fast track publication in JAIS, guest edited by Deepak Khazanchi (khazanchi@unomaha.edu) and Blaize Reich (breich@sfu.ca). Authors who do not want to be considered for the special issue should indicate so at the time of submitting their final revision. Authors will be asked to further revise their manuscript subsequent to presentation to address workshop comments, editorial reviews, and any additional requirements of JAIS. JAIS author instructions are available at (http://jais.aisnet.org/format.asp).
Submissions should include a one-page abstract and a paper that includes the following sections: research objectives and questions, theoretical foundations, research methodology, current status of the project, and a description of what the authors propose to present at the conference.
Panel proposals should include a general description of the panel, names and affiliations of all panel participants, a statement to the effect that all participants have made a commitment to serve on the panel (if it is accepted), a brief description of each participant's background and expertise related to the panel topic, and a brief description of each participant's views on the topic.
Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2008
Notification of Decision: October 15th, 2008
Revised Manuscripts Deadline: November 1st, 2008
Registration Deadline: November 15th, 2008
The workshop will be held as an all-day meeting on Saturday, December 13th, in Paris, France, prior to the start of ICIS 2008. Participants should plan on arriving the night before for an early start to the meeting. There will be a single track to maximize interaction and participation. Workshop participants will be charged a registration fee that will include lunch and coffee breaks (details will be announced as the conference program is finalized). Additionally, we are considering having a networking dinner reception before the workshop on December 12th hosted at the American University of Paris (AUP) campus.
For completed paper and research-in-progress submissions, authors should identify themselves and provide contact information only on the cover page, as these submissions will be blind reviewed. The second page of the paper should consist of an abstract plus a list of key words describing the main topics of the manuscript (the MISQ keyword list is recommended for use). Papers and panel proposals should be double-spaced to facilitate editing. The manuscript or proposal and any supporting documentation (such as survey instruments) should be sent as e-mail attachments (in MSWord format) to IRWITPM Conference Chair and SIGITProjMgmt Founder, Dr. Deepak Khazanchi at irwitpm@sigitpm.org. In your email, please clearly identify your paper as research-in-progress (RIP) or completed paper.
LOCAL ARRANGMENTS: For questions about local arrangements, please contact the IRWIPTM2008 Local Arrangements Chair, Dr. Eugeni Gentchev (EGentchev@aup.fr).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For questions about the workshop program and proceedings, please contact the IRWITPM2008 Program Arrangement Chair and Proceedings Editor, Alanah Davis (alanahdavis@mail.unomaha.edu).
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