-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IASTED NEWSLETTER ON CONTROL Datum: Wed, 04 May 2005 18:21:33 -0700 Von: IASTED - Upcoming Conferences info@iasted.org An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
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*The IASTED International Conference on * *INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ~ISC 2005~ * *October 31 - November 2, 2005 Cambridge, USA *
*SPONSORS * The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Technical Committee on Control Technical Committee on Intelligent Systems and Control
*IMPORTANT DEADLINES * *Submissions due* *June 1, 2005* *Notification of Acceptance* *July 15, 2005* *Camera-ready manuscripts due* *August 15, 2005* *Registration Deadline* *September 1, 2005*
To view the call for papers, including the scope and international program committee, for this conference, please visit: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2005/cambridge/isc.asp?confid=497
*The 25th IASTED International Conference on **MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION, AND CONTROL ~MIC 2006~
**February 6-8, 2006 Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain*
*SPONSORS * The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Technical Committee on Modelling and Simulation Technical Committee on Control
World Modelling and Simulation Forum (WMSF)
*SPECIAL SESSION * "Signals and Systems in Human Motion" organized by Dr. Sc. Vlasta Zanchi – University of Split, Croatia
*IMPORTANT DEADLINES * *Submissions due* *October 1, 2005* *Notification of Acceptance* *November 1, 2005* *Camera-ready manuscripts due* *December 1, 2005* *Registration Deadline* *December 15, 2005*
To view the call for papers, including the scope and international program committee, for this conference, please visit: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/spain/c500.htm?isc
*IASTED MEMBERSHIP* Membership pays! One of the benefits of IASTED membership is a complimentary one-year subscription to an ACTA Press journal of your choice. Renew or become a member today! http://www.iasted.org/member/membership.htm
*CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AVAILABLE* Past conference proceedings in the area of Control are available for purchase from ACTA Press http://www.actapress.com//Proceedings.aspx http://www.actapress.com//Proceedings.aspx
For more information or to join one of the following mail groups: Power, Control, Modelling and Simulation, Bio-Medicine, Signal and Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Business, Software Engineering, Education, Databases and Knowledge Engineering, Internet and Applications, Parallel and Distributed Computing, please contact:
IASTED #80 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W. Calgary Alberta Canada T3B 0M6 Tel: 403-288-1195 Fax: 403-247-6851 E-mail: calgary@iasted.org mailto:calgary@iasted.org Web site: http://www.iasted.org/
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