-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] 2nd Call for Papers: HWID2009 working conference on usability in social, cultural and organizational contexts Datum: Tue, 19 May 2009 03:13:35 -0400 Von: Torkil Clemmensen tc.inf@cbs.dk Antwort an: Torkil Clemmensen tc.inf@cbs.dk An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
2nd Call for Papers:
HWID2009 working conference on usability in social, cultural and organizational contexts - in conjunction with the 4th Cultural Usability project seminar
HWID2009 Conference Website: http://hcdc.cdac.in/hwid/
Hosted by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), A Scientific Society of Ministry of ICT, Government of India, Pune, India.
Venue: Pune University.
Wednesday and Thursday, 7-8th October 2009, Pune, India
Deadline for submissions: August 3rd 2009. ========================================================= Theme and Focus: The HUMAN WORK INTERACTION DESIGN 2009 working conference analyzes the concept of usability in social, cultural and organizational contexts. Analyzing usability in context is important for connecting empirical work analysis and interaction design. In industry, a wealth of usability evaluation methods is used to evaluate computer software user interfaces and other interactive products: Inspection methods, Workplace observation, Think-Aloud Usability Test, etc. These techniques often give - seemingly - similar results when applied in diverse social, cultural and organizational settings, but experience shows that we need a deep understanding of the cultural, social and organizational context to interpret the results, and to transform it into interaction design.
The working conference will present current research into and industrial experiences with usability as a way of connecting empirical work analysis and interaction design, with a special focus on contexts in India. Cultural usability is a comprehensive concept, which adheres to all kinds of contexts in which humans are involved (private family, work, public and private organizations, nature and climate, technological, etc.).
The purpose of the working conference is to enable practitioners and researchers to analyze the concept of usability and how it can be used to connect empirical work analyses and interaction designs in different contexts. After the conference, a limited number of selected papers will be published in an IFIP Springer book.
We expect the participants will be people from industry and academia with an interest on usability, work and design in different social, cultural and organizational contexts. The working conference will be conducted in a good social atmosphere that invites to openness and provides time to reflection and discussion about each of the accepted papers and cases.
The topics include, but are not limited to: Social, cultural and organizational dimensions of usability � Usability and social context � Usability and cultural context � Usability and organizational context � Work style modeling in different cultural, social and organizational contexts � Usability assurance and assessment in outsourced developments � Usability and technological application areas such as groupware, mobile, social computing, web based and software applications � Experience design and design conversations
Usability techniques and methods applied for design research � The concept of Usability as a mean to connect empirical work studies and interaction design � Application of usability design and research methods like think aloud, ethnography, contextual inquiry, GOMS, cognitive walkthrough, other empirical research methods applied for ICT applications design � Usability engineering and process management � Case studies of usability in an Indian context � The use of ethnographic methods to generate scenarios and use cases in a foreign country � Empirical studies of culture-specific or culture-aware usability evaluation methods
Submission guidelines: We invite two types of papers: � Full research papers (10 pages) � Industry � case studies & work in progress (4 pages) For submissions to the working conference, the authors must use the LNCS templates and style files available from http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376- 0#anchor10 Download paper template with format specifications: typeinst.doc All papers should be in the working conference publication format and sent as both pdf and MS Word files to dinesh@cdac.in; rior@dpu.dk and pradeep@iitg.ernet.in by August 3rd, 2009. An IFIP Springer copyright will be required of the accepted papers and can be found here http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0.
Acceptance notification for conference papers: Notification of acceptance will be provided by August 21 2009. All accepted papers will be published in the working conference proceedings in the form of a CD with ISBN and made available to the participants.
Selection of Papers for IFIP Springer Book: During the review process, the reviewers are asked to evaluate (also among papers from industry and students) whether the paper is suitable for an IFIP Springer book. We aim at most accepted full research papers to be included here, but also the possibility to have a very interesting perspective from industry or similar represented. This IFIP Springer book will be available after the conference.
Organizers: � Dinesh Katre, Group Head, Human-Centred Design & Computing, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India � Pradeep Yammiyavar, Professor, Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India � Torkil Clemmensen, Associate Professor, Department of Informatics, CBS, Denmark; chair of IFIP WG 13.6 HWID, project coordinator of CultUsab research project, Denmark � Rikke Orngreen, Associate Professor, The research programme of Media and ICT in a Learning Perspective, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University; Secretary of IFIP WG 13.6 HWID, Denmark Program committee: � Annelise Mark Pejtersen, professor, Center of Cognitive Systems Engineering and the University of Washington, Denmark and USA. Chair of IFIP TC13 on HCI � Matthias Rehm, Priv.-Doz., Multimedia Concepts and Applications, Faculty of Applied Computer Science, University of Augsburg, Germany � Sergio España Cubillo, Investigador, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain � William Wong, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction and Head, Interaction Design Centre, Middlesex University, London � Tom Plocher, senior researcher, Honeywell ACS Labs, USA � Oscar Pastor, Professor and Head of Dept. at the Computation and Information Systems Department, Valencia University of Technology, Spain � Masaaki Kurosu, Professor, National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan � Ravi K. Vatrapu, Assistant Professor, Center for Applied ICT, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark � Morten Hertzum, associate professor, computer science, University of Roskilde, Denmark � Kasper Hornbæk, associate professor, computer science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark � Pedro Campos, researcher (Integrado), University of Madeira, Department of Mathematics and Engineering, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal � Toni Robertson, associate professor, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia � David Benyon, Professor, Chair of Human-Computer Systems, Napier University, Merchiston, Edinburgh, Scotland � José Abdelnour Nocera, Senior Lecturer, Head of Centre for Internationalisation and Usability, School of Computing, Thames Valley University, London, UK � Andy Smith, Professor, Head, School of Computing, Associate Dean (Research and Enterprise), Faculty of Professional Studies, Thames Valley University, London, UK � Arminda Guerra Lopes, Professor, Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal � Anirudha Joshi, Associate Professor, Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India � Sanjay Tripathi, TechMahindra Ltd, Pune, India � Bibhudutta Baral, Professor, New Media, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India � Sameer Chavan, Entrepreneur Internet Startup & Experience Design, Pune, India � Arvind Lodaya, Head, Department of Three-Dimensional Design at Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology, Bangalore, India � Apala Lahiri Chavan, VP Asia, Human Factors International, Mumbai, India � Sameer Chabukswar, Head- Group Head � User Experience Design & Engineering, Persistent Systems, Pune, India � Jhumkee Iyengar, Principal Consultant, User in Design, India � Sandeep Datar, Director UXD, Yahoo!, Bangalore, India � Yogesh Deshpande, Assistant Professor, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Pune, India � Girish Prabhu, Director - WW Design Research and Innovation, Emerging Markets Platform Group, Intel, Bangalore, India � Nilay Yajnik, Professor of Information Systems, School of Business Management, NMIMS University, Mumbai, India � Anant Bhaskar Garg, professor, Centre for behavioural and cognitive sciences(CBCS), University of Allahabad, India
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