-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [computational.science] Electronic Commerce Research -- SI on Advances in Security and Privacy for Future Mobile Communications -- DEADLINE EXTENDED Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:07:58 +0100 From: Gregorio Martinez gregorio@um.es Organization: "ICCSA" To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
Electronic Commerce Research (http://www.springer.com/business+management/business+information+systems/jou...)
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Bezalel Gavish
Special Issue on Advances in Security and Privacy for Future Mobile Communications
(Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition 2011 Impact Factor: 0.971)
Without doubt, the advances in wireless communication technologies like 3G, WiFi, WiMax and the proliferation of mobile devices have enabled the realization of pervasive and intelligent environments for users to communicate with each other, interact with information processing devices, and acquire ubiquitously a plethora of mobile services through various types of wireless access networks. Under this prism, reliable, secure, and privacy preserving communications combined with constant and universal network availability, are vital elements for the adoption of any application that utilize wireless technologies. This becomes even more apparent when considering the tight coupling of these wireless network domains to the Internet. Every day new security challenges come to the surface due to the open nature of the wireless medium, the dynamic network topology, the resource constraints of the mobile devices and, in some cases, the lack of a pre-deployed infrastructure.
This special issue aims to advance state-of-the-art research in the area of security, privacy, cryptography, and its applications for Future Mobile Communications (FMC). In this context, it will address all aspects of the modeling, designing, implementation, assessment, deployment and management of mobile network security and privacy systems, protocols and architectures. We particularly seek for original, completed and high quality contributions to the evaluation, enhancement of security and privacy mechanisms for current mobile technologies as well as novel designs for efficient security and privacy solutions of emerging mobile and wireless technologies. We expect that the special issue will stimulate further related research and technology improvements in this significant subject. Suggested topics include but are not restricted to:
- Security issues and protocols in FMC - Network security metrics and performance evaluation in FMC - Privacy and anonymity in FMC - IMS security and privacy issues - Authentication and access control in FMC - Secure AAA infrastructures in FMC - Intrusion detection and avoidance in FMC - Trust establishment, negotiation, and management in FMC - Threat and vulnerability modeling in FMC - Attack analysis and digital forensics in FMC - Secure and privacy preserving handover mechanisms - Denial of service in FMC - Key distribution and management in FMC - Secure cooperation in wireless networks - Cryptographic protocols and lightweight cryptography in FMC - Secure Multicast/Broadcast Service in FMC - Key agreement and identity based protocols - Secure and privacy preserving mobile location services - Cross Layer approach to security - Secure and privacy preserving applications and services in FMC - Security of mesh networks - Privacy and Security Compliance - Reputation-based systems in FMC - Piracy issues and preventions in FMC
Manuscript submission deadline: February 15, 2013 (EXTENDED) Pre-notification (first round): March 15, 2013 Final-notification (second round): June 15, 2013 Submission of final revised paper: September 15, 2013 Publication of special issue (Online): 2014 (Tentative)
All received submissions will be sent out for peer review by at least two experts in the field and evaluated with respect to relevance to the special issue, level of innovation, depth of contributions, and quality of presentation. Guest editors will make an initial determination of the suitability and scope of all submissions. Papers that either lack originality, clarity in presentation or fall outside the scope of the special issue will not be sent for review and the authors will be promptly informed in such cases. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication.
Submission Details
Manuscripts must be _directly_ emailed to the corresponding guest editor (gkamb@aegean.gr) as pdf files (not through the journal’s submission system). The email must include the title, abstract of your paper, and the corresponding author’s name(s) and affiliation. Please mention “ECRJ-FMC Special Issue Submission” in the subject line of your email. Further paper submission information will be available when you receive the pre-notification of your paper.
Guest Editors
Dr. Georgios Kambourakis University of the Aegean, Greece Email: gkamb@aegean.gr
Dr. Gregorio Martinez University of Murcia, Spain Email: gregorio@um.es
Dr. Shiguo Lian France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs) Beijing, China Email: shiguo.lian@ieee.org
Dr. Felix Gomez Marmol NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany Email: felix.gomez-marmol@neclab.eu