Forwarded message from [ramil@DOC.IC.AC.UK (Juan F. Ramil)] sent originally on Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:43:00 +0100: : Dear ISWORLD subscriber(s): : : Please find below the Call for Papers for the FEAST 2000 workshop on FEEDBACK AND EVOLUTION IN SOFTWARE AND BUSINESS PROCESSES. : Contributions in the form of position papers and extended abstracts are welcome. : : Distribution of this Call to your colleagues who you know should be interested will be much appreciated. : : Yours sincerely, : Juan F Ramil : : Dept. of Computing, Imperial College : 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK : Tel. + 44 171 594 8216 Fax + 44 171 594 8215 Fax(alt) + 44 171 581 8024 : : : ___________________________________________________________________________ : : CALL : : FEAST 2000 International workshop on : FEEDBACK AND EVOLUTION IN SOFTWARE AND BUSINESS PROCESSES : : London, U.K. : July 10 - 12, 2000 : : : : WORKSHOP SCOPE, INTENT AND THEMES : The FEAST 2000 workshop will bring together practitioners and academics with an interest in evolution and/or feedback in software, organisational and business processes. It will critically examine and discuss results achieved in relevant research, their potential significance and practical applications, identify possible solutions to emerging problems and seek to generate new ideas, directions and methods for future investigation. Themes of interest include: : * the role and impact of feedback mechanisms and interactions on software and business processes : * dynamics of software and business evolution and their interactions : * software and business process improvement in the context of feedback : : The workshop will focus on these themes with individual contributions addressing topics within them. An initial list of topics will be found at : : Studies of evolution and feedback in the software process were stimulated by the 1993 formulation of the FEAST hypothesis, a sequence of three FEAST workshops held at Imperial College, London, in 1994-5 and research projects FEAST/1 (1996-1998) and FEAST/2 (1999-2001), funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research council (EPSRC). The full impact and potential of feedback phenomena remains to be investigated. Recent interest has tended to concentrate on "how" to implement software evolution. The complementary questions of "why" software evolution occurs, "what" are its attributes, characteristics, role and impact as explored in the FEAST projects, "how" it may be controlled and "how" it is embedded in the wider context of feedback in business processes, have received less attention. These questions are becoming increasingly important with the shift to multi-supplier environments, increasing integration of computer-supported organisational and business processes! , user-involvement in these processes, globally distributed systems and growing interest in "re-use, components" and COTS-intensive software. To fully address the question of "how" and to increase mastery of such processes one must achieve at least some "understanding" of the "why" and the "what". The industrial viewpoint will be of particular interest. : : PARTICIPATION : Participation by both industry and academia is expected. Participants will be selected on the basis of "position papers" or "extended abstracts" that are relevant to the above themes and questions. All accepted submissions will be made available on the web prior to the workshop, to provide background for discussion and some will be selected for presentation. It is intended to propose expansion of appropriate submissions into full papers for circulation at the workshop and for subsequent publication in a journal or proceedings. Active participation in the workshop and debate will be stimulated by keynote speakers. : : VENUE: Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. : : IMPORTANT DATES : * Deadline for submissions: 14th January 2000 : * Notification of acceptance: 3rd April 2000 : * Final versions of submissions for web publication: 15th May 2000 : * Papers and programme on Workshop web site: 2nd June 2000 : * Workshop dates: 10th to 12th July 2000 : : INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS : Recommended length for position papers and extended abstracts is 3 and 5 pages respectively. They should be submitted electronically in PDF or postscript to Ms Siew Lim at according to instructions at : : Sponsors: UK EPSRC (negotiations with others are underway). : : Programme Steering Committee: Giuliano Antoniol (Italy), Barry Boehm (USA), Brian Chatters (UK), Khaled El Emam (Canada), Patrick Humphreys (UK), Takuya Katayama (Japan), Manny Lehman (UK), Dewayne Perry (USA), Colin Tully (UK). : : Programme Committee: A list of PC members is available at the workshop web site. : : Registration fee including morning and afternoon refreshments, lunches and a banquet on the 11th July will be approximately 260 GBP . : : Accommodation in single and double rooms is offered in College Halls of Residence and in local hotels. Registration as soon as possible after the 3rd April will be advisable, particularly where the cheaper student accommodation is desired, as rooms are in high demand in July. : : Registration and accommodation booking forms will be available at : : : Further information from : Ms Siew F Lim : Department of Computing, Imperial College : 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ : tel. +44 (0) 207 594 8212 : fax. +44 (0) 207 594 8215 : email : : ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer ===== : Moving? Want to subscribe/unsubscribe? Find an old posting? : See: : If you do not find the answer contact : ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
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