-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] AMCIS 2021 - CFP: Enterprise Systems – Integration and Transformation Challenges in the Era of Digitalization Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 08:56:38 +0000 From: Christian Leyh christian.leyh@tu-dresden.de Reply-To: Christian Leyh christian.leyh@tu-dresden.de To: wi@lists.kit.edu wi@lists.kit.edu
Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to our minitrack (Enterprise Systems – Integration and Transformation Challenges in the Era of Digitalization: Managerial and Technological Perspectives) at the 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2021).
We are looking forward to an interesting and enriching conference!
Best regards,
Christian Leyh.
********************************************************************************** 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2021), Virtual Conference
*** Track: Enterprise System (SIG EntSys)
*** Minitrack: Enterprise Systems – Integration and Transformation Challenges in the Era of Digitalization: Managerial and Technological Perspectives
*** Minitrack Chairs: Dr. Christian Leyh and Marko Ott; Technische Universität Dresden; Chair of Information Systems, esp. IS in Manufacturing and Commerce
*** Minitrack Description: Due to fast changes in the economic environment enterprises face numerous external as well as internal challenges which in turn require effective governance and coordination of internal but also intercorporate business processes. Therefore, the successful implementation, adoption, integration and use of suitable software systems are essential for coping with these challenges. These systems have to be easily adjustable to allow fast reactions to continuous business changes as well as to new disruptive technologies that emerge within digitization processes. As a consequence, there is a huge demand for adaptable enterprise software. This especially applies to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as fully integrated and comprehensive solutions for supporting business and digitalization processes on a company-wide level. However, a tendency towards more architectural flexibility regarding enterprise systems and also a certain rejection of strongly integrated approaches can be observed. Today, enterprises increasingly aim to support individual business areas with separate area- or task-specific systems. This results, despite past efforts towards system consolidation, in heterogeneous and complex software landscapes consisting of different software system types and components (e.g., CRM, SRM, SCM or function-oriented components like machine learning systems or large-scale databases) with challenging integration requirements. With powerful end-user tools and emerging disrupting technologies (like cloud computing, financial technologies (FinTech), internet of things (IoT) and service-oriented architecture (SOA)) at hand managing these landscapes that encompass totally different strands of technology becomes even more demanding. However, benefitting from these chances and new technologies calls for new management and integration approaches. Despite the experience of several decades, implementation-, adjustment- or integration-projects on the company-level still heavily strain the entire company and its resources as they imply severe intrusions into the enterprises´ structures and processes. Thus, a comprehensive and well-designed project management embedded in long-term (digital) transformation approaches still is an essential component of any significant change in the enterprise system landscape. This minitrack aims to discuss various facets and characteristics of enterprise system transformation in the light of digital disruption and the resulting integration challenges caused by new technologies such as cloud computing, IoT or FinTech. Therefore, we invite papers (empirical and theoretical) that examine those topics from technological, organizational or managerial perspectives.
*** Potential paper topics (but not limited to): • Enterprise systems and business processes supported by cloud computing • Blockchain-based financial (FinTech) and trust services integrated within enterprise systems • Enterprise systems and internet of things (IoT) services • Issues around ERP on demand, ERP‐as‐a‐service, ERP in the cloud, Mobile ERP • Management of the software development process during an enterprise system implementation in a cloud environment • Enterprise infrastructure shifts due to digital disruption • Critical success and failure factors, risk management in enterprise system implementation and integration projects • Cross‐company integration of enterprise systems • Effects of technological innovations (such as in memory computing) • Benefits, Barriers, Costs of FinTech /SOA / cloud technology • ERP and/or FinTech / SOA / Cloud case studies • Organizational, political, and cultural barriers related with ERP/ Fin Tech/ SOA/ cloud computing adoption • New project or IT management approaches in the context of enterprise system landscapes (i.e. Lean IT management)
Deadlines and further information: https://amcis2021.aisconferences.org/
Dr. Christian Leyh
Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Faculty of Business and Economics Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informationssysteme in Industrie und Handel - Chair of Information Systems, esp. IS in Manufacturing and Commerce 01062 Dresden - Germany
Tel +49 (0) 351 463 33739 Fax +49 (0) 351 463 32794 E-Mail: christian.leyh@tu-dresden.de Web: http://www.tu-dresden.de/wwwiisih/
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