-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [EDEN-News] EURODL - Special Call Datum: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 15:13:21 +0100 Von: EDEN Secretariat secretariat@eden-online.org Antwort an: eden-ml@eden-online.org Organisation: European Distance and E-Learning Network An: EDEN-Members eden-members@eden-online.org
EURODL, on the initiative of "Distances et Savoirs" and in collaboration with other international journals from the field, is launching a Call for Papers to be published in 2008 concerning distance education and the right to education (in particular reference to article 26 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of December 10th, 1948):
- What is the role of distance education in the implementation of the right - or access - to education? - How is distance education involved when education is seen as a right? What is its position in educational policy, as a factor of quality and an instrument for liberty. - How has acceess to education been impacted by distance education? what models, practices, policies have expanded access
This may include attention to specific populations and broad areas such as effective practices, technological developments, education finance policies, education-business partnerships, lifelong learning initiatives. The theme can be approached from multiple points of view, pedagogical, sociological, economical, political, legal.
Authors will benefit from a wide international dissemination and their works will make up a common international reference regarding distance education and the unviersal question of the right to education.
Please consult the EURODL web site http://www.eurodl.org for more details and to prepare your paper submission.
------------------------------------------------------------------ EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network Secretariat Budapest University of Technology and Economics H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1, Hungary Tel: +36 1 463 1628, 463 3546 Fax: + 36 1 463 1858 e-mail: secretariat@eden-online.org http://www.eden-online.org
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