-------- Original Message -------- Subject: =?gb2312?Q?Dear G. Neumann=A3=ACCFP: Conf.on Computer Science and Software Engineering; Hainan Island?= Date: 23 Jul 2012 17:57:43 +0800 From: CSSE2012 csse2012@gremail.org Reply-To: csse@engii.org To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
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Invitation for attendance and papers from CSSE 2012
*2012 Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering*
Symposiums on Artificial Intelligence
www.engii.org/csse2012/ http://www.engii.org/csse2012/
Dec. 29-31, 2012 Sanya, Hainan Island, China
* ------------------------------------------------------------ *Conference Introduction* 2012 Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) is organized by the Engineering Information Institute and sponsored by the Scientific Research Publishing. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods. It is estimated that 100 participants from more than 15 countries will attend this meeting. This conference will cover issues on:
# Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition # Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms # Expert Systems and Support Vector Machines # Machine Intelligence and Information Fusion # Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
Publication, Presentation and Audience All the accepted papers will be published in the special issue of the OPEN ACCESS journal―Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (ISSN: 1945-3124). This journal is tracked for impact factors by Thomson Reuters (ISI) and indexed by DOAJ, Proquest, EBSCO, etc.
If you want to present your research results but do NOT wish to publish a paper, you may simply submit an Abstract to our Paper Submission System. Attendance without publication and presentation is also welcome.
About Hainan Island Hainan Island is one of the best destinations for tour and vacation in China. The beautiful scenery and warm climate of this tropical coastal city has attracted people from all around the world, and it has become a center of exhibitions and conferences.
Invited Speakers # Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic, Simon Fraser University, Canada # Prof. Guoyin Wang, Director of Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, CAS, China # Prof. Yi-Kuei Lin, National Taiwan University # Prof. Hsi-Peng Lu, National Taiwan University
Important Dates # Full paper or abstract submission: *Oct.15, 2012* # Acceptance notification: *Oct.30, 2012* # Conference: *Dec.29-31, 2012*
Registration Fee # *Only $250* for registration and attendance fee, while *Only $450* for registration and publication fee *before Oct.1st, 2012*
Contact Us # Telephone: +86 - 189 7103 4113 # Skype: conference_hainan # E-mail: *csse@engii.org* # Facebook: CSSE 2012 http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Conference-on-Computer-Science-and-Software-Engineering-2012/437959522902274 # LinkedIn: Louis figo
------------------------------------------------------------ /*Sincerely,*/ Lilian Wang CSSE Organizing Committee