-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CfP: 1st Workshop on the Economics of Knowledge-based Technologies (ECONOM 2009) Datum: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 22:01:37 +0100 Von: Dominik Flejter d.flejter@kie.ae.poznan.pl Antwort an: Dominik Flejter d.flejter@kie.ae.poznan.pl Organisation: Poznan University of Economics, Dept. Inf. Sys., Integror.Net An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1st Workshop on the Economics of Knowledge-based Technologies (ECONOM 2009) in conjunction with 12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009)
Poznan, Poland April 27, 28 or 29, 2009
Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2009
Knowledge-based technologies use machine-understandable formalizations of expert knowledge to realize scalable, robust and economically feasible approaches and to support knowledge management, information integration or intelligent search. In order to encourage the wide industrial uptake of knowledge-based technologies, instruments to assess potential economic benefits of these technologies and to predict the total costs of their development and deployment are a must.
CIOs are starting to acknowledge the technical value of knowledge-based technologies for enterprises. In the last years early adopters have been increasingly using them in various application settings ranging from content management to enterprise integration platforms. Core technological building blocks and development platforms are meanwhile available from established vendors. Despite this promising position, it is still difficult to argue in favor of knowledge-based technologies in front of the CFOs because of the lack of convincing measurable benefits or of proven-and-tested methods to determine and quantify these.
This workshop addresses economic aspects of knowledge-based technologies. This includes the assessment of their potential business value, more precisely the costs and benefits of their application, and qualitative and quantitative methods therefor. We are interested in original research looking into the aforementioned aspects for both knowledge-based systems and knowledge structures (i.e., ontologies, taxonomies, folksonomies) supporting these systems.
The goal of the workshop is to provide a communication platform for researchers to discuss ideas and results and to identify new challenges in the areas of economics and knowledge-based technologies. The workshop is also intended to be a networking event for participants from the industry willing to share their experiences on the adoption of knowledge-based technologies in enterprises.
* Methods to estimate costs and/or benefits of introducing knowledge-based technologies into enterprise environments. * Methods to estimate return on investment in knowledge-based technologies in terms of their potential business value. * Methods to estimate benefits of knowledge-based technologies in enterprise architectures. * Methods to measure efficiency gains through knowledge-based technologies. * Cost and benefit analysis of knowledge structures such as ontologies, taxonomies or folksonomies. * Evaluation criteria and methods to assess the quality and to compare alternative technological solutions. * Incentives for knowledge-based content creation. * Empirical studies on the usage of knowledge-based technologies. * Business strategies for the introduction of knowledge-based technologies.
* Long papers: max. 12 pages * Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages * Demo papers: max. 4 pages
Papers must be submitted in PDF format according to Springer LNBIP template available from http://www.springer.com/east/home/computer/lncs?SGWID=5-164-7-487211-0.
Submission system is available at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=econom2009.
Papers approved for presentation at ECONOM 2009 will be published in BIS 2009 workshop proceedings, as a volume in Springer's Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series.
ECONOM 2009 will consist of a keynote talk by Prof. Dr. Robert Tolksdorf (Free University Berlin, Germany), two sessions for presentation of accepted papers, and a moderated panel discussion integrating the workshop participants. The panel discussion will include the invited speaker and 3-4 other participants from academia and industry.
* February 1, 2009 - submission deadline for papers * February 22, 2009 - notification of acceptance/rejection * March 15, 2009 - submission of final papers * April 27, 28 or 29, 2009 - the workshop
* Semantic Technology Institute (STI) Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria (http://www.sti-innsbruck.at) * Poznan University of Economics, Department of Information Systems, Poland (http://kie.ae.poznan.pl/) * Detecon International GmbH, Germany (http://www.detecon.com)
* Elena Simperl * Tobias Buerger * Agata Filipowska * Christoph Tempich
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be extended)
* Elena Simperl, STI Innsbruck, Austria * Tobias Buerger, STI Innsbruck, Austria * Agata Filipowska, Poznan Univeristy of Economics, Poland * Christoph Tempich, Detecon International GmbH, Germany * Nicholas King, British Telecom, UK * Jose-Manuel Gomez-Perez, ISOCO, Spain * Robert Tolksdorf, Free University Berlin, Germany * Maria del Carmen Suarez-Figueroa, UPM, Spain * Marek Kowalkiewicz, SAP Research, Australia * Ozelin Lopez, XimetriX Network Thoughts, Spain * Marco Zapletal, Vienna University of Technology, Austria