Subject: ASE 2004: Call for Contributions Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 14:49:32 +0100 X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: ASE 2004: Call for Contributions Thread-Index: AcP/gMOpQUKEaaj2Tby+7+OMjs6LjA== From: "Paul Gruenbacher" To: undisclosed-recipients:; X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.3.20/v4330 charon 9ab8ab769978b45c8ba97d0abbaaae2f X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id i21DnwAE049184
[Apologies for multiple copies]
19th IEEE International Conference
Linz, Austria, September 20-25, 2004
The conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2004) brings together researchers and practitioners to share ideas on the foundations, techniques, tools, and applications of automated software engineering. We invite contributions that address theoretical foundations, practical techniques, software tools, applications and/or experience reports in automated software engineering. ASE 2004 will include technical papers, invited talks, tutorials, workshops, panel discussions, and a doctoral symposium.
General Chair
Paul Grünbacher Johannes Kepler University Linz 4040 Linz, Austria
Program Chairs
Virginie Wiels ONERA, France
Kurt Stirewalt Michigan State University, USA
sponsored by the Austrian Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society, ACM SIGART, and ACM SIGSOFT
Call for Papers
Software engineering is concerned with the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems. Automated software engineering is concerned with how to apply computation to automate or partially automate these tasks to achieve significant improvements in quality and productivity. We invite papers that address theoretical foundations, practical techniques, software tools, applications and/or experience reports in automated software engineering. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Automated reasoning techniques
- Category & Graph-theoretic approaches to software engineering
- Component-based systems
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Configuration management
- Domain modeling and meta-modeling
- Human computer interaction
- Knowledge acquisition
- Maintenance and evolution
- Modeling language semantics
- Ontologies and methodologies
- Open systems development - Program understanding
- Re-engineering
- Reflection- and Metadata approaches
- Requirements engineering
- Reuse
- Specification languages
- Software architecture
- Software design and synthesis
- Software visualization
- Testing
- Tutoring, help, documentation systems
- Verification and validation
Call for Workshops
Workshops are co-located with the conference. They should provide an opportunity for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing preliminary results on topics related to software engineering research and applications. Workshops should not be seen as an alternative forum for presenting full research papers. The workshops co-located with the conference will be held either before or after the conference on 20th, 21st or 25th of September 2004. A workshop may last one or two days.
Workshop Chairs
George Spanoudakis City University, London, UK
Stefan Tai IBM Research, USA
Call for Tutorials
We invite half-day/full day tutorials addressing theoretical foundations, practical techniques, software tools, and applications in areas related to the ASE topics. A Tutorial program that gives attendees the opportunity to gain new insights, knowledge and skills on evolving and emerging research topics in the area of automated software engineering will be an essential part of the ASE 2004. The Tutorials are scheduled for September 20 - 21, 2004 at the beginning of the ASE 2004 conference. Tutorials are intended to provide independent instruction on a relevant theme, therefore no commercial or sales-oriented presentations will be accepted.
Tutorial Chairs
Paola Inverardi University of L'Aquila, Italy
Schahram Dustdar Vienna University of Technology
Call for Formal Tool Demonstrations
The Formal Tool Demonstrations track is an important part of the conference with the goal to allow live presentation of new tool developments. Tools are central to automated software engineering. Hence, formal tool demonstrations will have a prominent role within the conference. We solicit proposals for formal tool demonstrations related to automated software engineering. Tools can range from alpha-versions to fully developed products that are being prepared for commercialisation. Commercial products and products that are currently being commercialised cannot be accepted. Formal demonstrations are intended to highlight scientific contributions, and consequently should not be sales pitches. For further clarification, please contact the Formal Tool Demonstrations Chairs.
We want to specially encourage submitting tool demonstration proposals in addition to full scientific papers. Whereas the scientific paper is intended to give the background information and point out the scientific contribution of a new automated software engineering approach, the tool demonstration provides a good opportunity to show how the scientific approach has been transferred into a running tool prototype.
Demo Chairs
Herbert Prähofer Johannes Kepler University Linz
Sebastian Uchitel Imperial College London, UK
Doctoral Symposium
The Doctoral Symposium seeks to bring together PhD students working on foundations, techniques, tools and applications of automated software engineering and give them the opportunity to present and to discuss their research with researchers in the ASE community in a constructive atmosphere. Specifically, the symposium aims to:
- provide a setting whereby students receive feedback on their research
and guidance on future directions from a broad group of advisors,
- foster a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative
research, and
- contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other
researchers and conference events.
The symposium is intended for students who have not yet completed their dissertation research and do not expect to write up their dissertation before the conference. If you are already writing your dissertation, or expect to be substantially done by the time of the symposium, we encourage you to submit your work as a full paper to the ASE conference.The Doctoral Symposium will be held on September 20th, two days before the main conference.
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Andrea Zisman City University, London, UK
Tom Ellman Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
Important Dates
Submission of Technical Paper Abstracts: April 2, 2004 Submission of Technical Papers, Tutorials, Demos: April 9, 2004 Notification Technical Papers, Tutorials, Demos: June 4, 2004 Camera-ready papers: July 2, 2004
Doctoral symposium submission deadline: May 7, 2004 Doctoral symposium notification: June 4, 2004
Publicity Chair
Alexander Egyed Teknowledge Corp., USA