-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Last CFP: 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2006) Datum: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 07:21:01 -0400 Von: ICEIS Secretariat postmaster@303media.net Antwort an: secretariat@iceis.org secretariat@iceis.org An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
<our apologies for cross-posting> ************************************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems http://www.iceis.org
organized by the Institute for Information Systems and Technologies, Control and Communication (INSTICC) co-organized by the University of Cyprus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Athens University of Economics and Business
Important dates: Full Paper Submission: 18th October 2005 Author Notification: 20th December 2005 Final Camera-Ready Submission and Registration: 24th January 2006 Conference: 23-27 May 2006
Keynote Speakers: J. K. Aggarwal, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Georges Gardarin, Université de Versailles St-Quentin en Yvelines, PRiSM, France Anil K. Jain, Michigan State University, USA Matthias Jarke, Rwth Aachen University, Germany Timos Sellis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece John B. Oommen, Carleton University, Canada
Tutorials: Pedro Henrique Gouvêa Coelho, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The conference has a double-blind review process and all the accepted papers will be published in the proceedings under an ISBN. Furthermore, we will have the best papers of the conference published in a book, by Springer.
-------------------------------- Main topic areas:
AREA 1: Databases and Information Systems Integration - Coupling and Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources - Enterprise Resource Planning - Middleware Integration - Legacy Systems - Organisational Issues on Systems Integration - Distributed Database Applications - Object-Oriented Database Systems - Enterprise-Wide Client-Server Architecture - Database Security and Transaction Support - Data Warehouses - Multimedia Database Applications - Web Databases - Mobile Databases - Software Engineering - Software Measurement
AREA 2: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems - Intelligent Agents - Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Strategic Decision Support Systems - Group Decision Support Systems - Applications of Expert Systems - Advanced Applications of Fuzzy Logic - Advanced Applications of Neural Network - Natural Language Interfaces to Intelligent Systems - Bayesian Networks - Evolutionary Programming - Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems - Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications - Intelligent Tutoring Systems - Datamining - Case-Based Reasoning Systems - Knowledge-based Systems Engineering - Knowledge Management
AREA 3: Information Systems Analysis and Specification - Systems Engineering Methodologies - Information Engineering Methodologies - Organisational Semiotics - Semiotics in Computing - Requirements Analysis - Ontology Engineering - Modelling Formalisms, Languages, and Notations (e.g. UML, ER variants) - CASE Tools for System Development - Modelling of Distributed Systems - Modelling Concepts and Information Integration Tools - Business Processes Re-engineering - Security, Freedom and Privacy
AREA 4: Software Agents and Internet Computing - B2B and B2C Applications - Process Design and Organisational Issues in e-Commerce - E-Procurement and Web-based supply chain management - Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions - E-Learning and e-Teaching - Intranet and Extranet Business Applications - Agents for Internet Computing - Web Information Agents - Case studies on Electronic Commerce - Public sector applications of e-Commerce - Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications - Network Implementation Choices - Object Orientation in Internet and Distributed Computing - Internet and Collaborative Computing - Semantic Web Technologies - Wireless and Mobile Computing - Agent-Oriented Programming
AREA 5: Human-Computer Interaction - HCI on Enterprise Information Systems - Functional and non-functional Requirements - Internet HCI: Web Interfaces and Usability - Design Methodology and Cognitive Factors in Design - Multimedia Systems - Machine perception: vision, speech, other - Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Intelligent User Interfaces - User Needs - Human Factors - Accessibility to Disabled Users - Geographical Information Systems - E-Learning - Computer Art
Workshops: -5th International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems -4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation,Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems -3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science -3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing -4th International Workshop on Security In Information Systems -3rd International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination -4th International Workshop on Web Services and Grid Computing -6th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems -2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems -1st International Workshop on Technologies for Collaborative Business Processes
Please see updated list here: http://www.iceis.org/workshops_list.htm
--------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE CO-CHAIRS Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Joaquim Filipe, INSTICC/EST-Setúbal, Portugal
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Panos Constantopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece José Cordeiro, INSTICC/EST-Setúbal, Portugal
DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM CHAIR George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
GENERAL WORKSHOPS CHAIRS Slimane Hammoudi, École Supérieure d' Electronique de l' Ouest, France Olivier Camp, École Supérieure d' Electronique de l' Ouest, France
SENIOR PROGRAM COMMITTEE Luís Amaral, University of Minho, Portugal Peter Bøgh Andersen, University of Aalborg, Denmark Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Universidad de Chile, Chile Senén Barro, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Jean Bézivin, ATLAS Group (INRIA & IRIN), University of Nantes, France Enrique Bonsón, University of Huelva, Spain João Alvaro Carvalho, University of Minho, Portugal Albert Cheng, University of Houston, United States of America Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Frank Dignum, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria António Figueiredo, University of Coimbra, Portugal Ulrich Frank, ICB - University of Essen, Germany Göran Goldkuhl, Linköping University, Sweden Nuno Guimarães, University of Lisbon, Portugal Jatinder Gupta, University of Alabama in Huntsville, United States of America Jean-Paul Haton, Université Henri-Poincaré, Nancy 1, France Dimitris Karagiannis , University of Vienna, Austria Maurizio Lenzerini, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy Michel Leonard, University of Geneva, Switzerland Kecheng Liu, The University of Reading, United Kingdom Pericles Loucopoulos, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, United States of America Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University, Greece José Legatheaux Martins, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Portugal Masao Johannes Matsumoto, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan Luís Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Alain Pirotte, University of Louvain, Belgium James Odell, James Odell Associates, United States of America George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Marcin Paprzycki, OSU, United States of America Klaus Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Matthias Rauterberg, Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands Colette Rolland, University of PARIS-1, France Narcyz Roztocki, State University of New York at New Paltz, United States of America Abdel-Badeeh Salem, Ain Shams University, Egypt Bernadette Sharp, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom Timothy K. Shih, Tamkang University , Taiwan Alexander Smirnov, St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences - SPIIRAS, Russia Ronald Stamper, Staffordshire University (United Kingdom) and University of Twente (The Netherlands) Miguel Toro, University of Seville, Spain Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga, Spain Michalis Vazirgiannis, Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece François Vernadat, European Commission, Luxembourg Ioannis Vlahavas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Frank Wang, Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance Computing Facilities, United Kingdom Merrill Warkentin, Mississippi State University, United States of America Hans Weigand, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (list not yet complete)
REGULAR PROGRAM COMMITTEE Please see the list here: http://www.iceis.org/cfp.htm
Looking forward to receiving a paper submission from you, until the 18th October. Should you have any question please contact me.
Best regards, Vitor Pedrosa (Conference Secretariat)
ICEIS Secretariat Av. D. Manuel I, nº27 r/c esq. 2910-595 Setúbal Portugal
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