-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP, Workshop on model driven organisations, Miami, Sept. 2013 Datum: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 16:23:01 +0200 Von: Ulrich Frank ulrich.frank@uni-due.de An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
The First International Workshop
TowArds the Model DrIveN Organization (AMINO 2013 http://www.cs.colostate.edu/remodd/v1/amino2013) 29 Sept 2013
As part of the ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013) Miami Florida USA 29 September 2013 through 4 October 2013 http://www.modelsconference.org
Overview Modern organizations are faced with the very challenging problem of rapidly responding to continual external business pressures in order to sustain their competitiveness or to effectively perform mission-critical services. Difficulties arise because the continual evolution of systems and operational procedures that are performed in response to the external pressures eventually leads to suboptimal configurations of the systems and processes that drive the organization.
The management of continuous business change is complicated by the current lack of effective mechanisms for rapidly responding to multiple change drivers. The use of inadequate change management methods and technologies introduces accidental complexities that significantly drive up the cost, risk, and effort of making changes. These problems provide opportunities for developing and applying organization modeling approaches that seek to improve an organization's ability to effectively evolve in response to changes in its business environment. Modeling an organization to better support organizational evolution leads to what we call a Model Driven Organization (MDO), where an MDO is an organization in which models are the primary means for interacting with and evolving the systems that drive an organization.
DEF: A Model Driven Organization uses models in the analysis, design, simulation, delivery, operation, and maintenance of systems to address its strategic, tactical and operational needs and its relation to the wider environment.
An organization's Enterprise Systems (ES) support a wide-range of business activities including planning, business intelligence, operationalization, and reporting. ES are thus pivotal to a company's competitiveness. Modelling technologies and approaches that address the development, analysis, deployment and maintenance of ES have started to emerge. Such technologies and approaches must support a much broader collection of use-cases than traditional technologies for systems design modeling. Current ES architectures do not adequately address the growing demands for inter-organisational collaboration, flexibility and advanced decision support in organizations.
Realizing the MDO vision will require research that cross-cuts many areas, including research on enterprise architectures, business process. and workflow modeling, system requirements and design modeling, metamodeling, and models@runtime. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners from a variety of MDD research domains to discuss the need, feasibility challenges and proposed realizations of aspects of the MDO vision.
The full-day workshop aims to provide a forum to report and discuss advances and current research questions in applying modelling technologies to organizations in order to substantially improve their flexibility and economics. The aim is to integrate various areas of research such as: models at runtime, (meta-) modelling, modelling tools, enterprise architecture, architecture modelling and business processes.
The workshop is a full-day and will include an invited speaker, paper presentations and a discussion on a research roadmap that will contribute to achieving Model Driven Organizations.
Scope Submissions are solicited in areas that are related to this aim, and that address model-based approaches to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
* Frameworks for the Model Driven Organization * Enterprise analysis including risk analysis and resource planning * Stakeholder support through multiple perspectives * Domain specific languages for enterprise modelling * Patterns and best practice for enterprise modelling * Modelling technologies for the Model Driven Organization * Case studies. * Maturity models for the Model Driven Organization * Enterprise simulation. * Enterprise-wide socio-technical issues * Applying information systems theory to the Model Driven Organization * Enterprise use-cases including:
o Business change o Regulatory compliance o Mergers and acquisitions o Business goal alignment o Outsourcing o Business intelligence.
Submissions must be in the scope of the workshop as described above. Submission process will be managed by Easychair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=amino2013.
All submissions will be required to conform to LNCS format: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Submissions are invited in the following categories:
* research papers reporting on completed research activities. (15 pages + up to 2 pages for references). * short papers describing work in progress (8 pages + up to 2 pages for references). * position papers describing a new approach to a research question (8 pages + up to 2 pages for references). * case-study papers reporting on real-life case studies (8 pages + up to 2 pages for references).
Publication of the accepted workshop papers will be organised via the MODELS workshop chairs in a formal digital library. In addition the workshop organisers are planning to invite selected papers to be extended and submitted to a publication (via collections such as LNCS or LNBIP) of selected works describing research contributing to the aim of the Model Driven Organization.
Registration See the MODELS 2013 web site http://modelsconference.org/ for registration.
Organizing Committee: * Balbir Barn, Middlesex University, London, UK, http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/staffdirectory/balbir-barn.aspx * Tony Clark, Middlesex University, London, UK, http://www.eis.mdx.ac.uk/staffpages/tonyclark/ * Robert France, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA, http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~france * Ulrich Frank, Universty of Dusibirg-Essen, Essen, Germany, http://www.wi-inf.uni-duisburg-essen.de/FGFrank/ * Vinay Kulkarni, Tata Consultancy Services, India, http://www.tcs-trddc.com/ * Dan Turk, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA, http://biz.colostate.edu/facultyResearch/sat/profile.aspx?profileId=Busdom%5...
Program Committee:
* Erik Proper, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, http://www.erikproper.eu * John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~jm/ * Martin Gogolla, Database Systems Group, University of Bremen, http://www.db.informatik.uni-bremen.de * Florian Matthes, Technische Universit¦t M¾nchen, http://wwwmatthes.in.tum.de * Joseph Barjis, Delft University of Technology, http://www.josephbarjis.com/ * Christian Huemer, Vienna University of Technology, http://www.big.tuwien.ac.at/staff/huemer * Gregor Engels, University of Paderborn, http://www.upb.de/cs/engels.html * Jennifer Horkoff, DISI, University of Trento, http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~jenhork * Detlef Seese, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * Philippe Collet, Universit´ Nice Sophia Antipolis, http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~collet * Richard Paige, University of York, http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~paige * Robert Lagerstr¨m, KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, http://www.ics.kth.se * .. invitations pending..
Important Dates * Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 15 July 2013 * Workshop Paper Notification to Authors: August 2013 * Workshop Dates: 29 Sept 2013
Contact the workshop organisers using: amino2013@CS.ColoState.EDU