-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: ICCMSE 2022 - Call for Sessions and Symposia Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2022 00:12:14 +0200 From: Conference Support info@conf-support.org Reply-To: Conference Support info@conf-support.org To: Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
*Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann*
*Distributed Systems Group, Information Systems Institute Austria Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at* Dear Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann, *We would like to inform you that the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2022 (ICCMSE 2022) will take place between 26/10/2022 - 29/10/2022 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Location: Galaxy Hotel Iraklio* **Galaxy Hotel Iraklio* url address: click here https://www.galaxy-hotel.com/en/ ICCMSE 2022 Conference URL address: **http://www.iccmse.org* http://www.iccmse.org/
The aim of ICCMSE is to bring together computational scientists and engineers from several disciplines in order to share methods, methodologies and ideas and to attract original research papers of very high quality.
*It is great pleasure to invite you to organize a Symposium on your research subject**within ICCMSE 2022.*
*In case you are interested please provide us the following documents:*
* *The Title of the Symposium.* * *A short description of the Symposium.* * *Your full affiliations.* * *Please also let us know about the advertisement of your symposium.*
*The Symposium's Organizer has the responsibility to select (after review) the papers of his/her Symposium. In the Proceedings of ICCMSE 2022, he/she must send us:*
1. *The Source Files of the accepted papers (.doc OR (.tex + .eps for figures)),* 2. *The PDF file of each accepted paper,* 3. *A Preface for his/her Symposium,* 4. *A Short CV of 10-15 lines,* 5. *A Photo of him/her in JPEG Format (of 600 dpi).*
*For this particular conference I mention the following:* 1. This year leaders on Computational Methods will participate in our Conference: Currently, we are during the phase of leaders invitation as Invited Speakers. So far the following leaders have accepted:
* *Prof. Dr. Paul Mezey* Canada Research Chair in Scientific Modelling and Simulation Department of Chemistry Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NL A1B 3X7 CANADA
2. We are proud to announce that the Proceedings of ICCMSE 2022 will be published in the very famous AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. More information can be found at:** http://www.iccmse.org/proceeding.htmhttps://www.iccmse.org/proceedings/
We note that the Proceedings of ICCMSE (AIP Conference Proceedings) will be abstracted/indexed in: ISI Proceedings, Zentrablatt fur Mathematik, MathSciNet, Scopus, INSPEC, Scirus, Google Scholar etc.
Selected Proceedings of ICCMSE 2022 will be published in appropriate journals. 3. The Session organizers will be granted free registration for the ICCMSE 2022 (if in their Symposium there are *_at least 6 registrations_* (1 Session's Organizer), 12 registrations (for 2 Session's Organizers) etc). The Workshop or Minisymposium organizers will be granted free registration and have a part of the accommodation expenses covered (if in their Symposium there are at least 10 registrations (1 Symposium's Organizer), 18 registrations (for 2 Symposium's Organizers) etc).. In case you need leaflets and posters for ICCMSE 2022, please send your request to *chairman@iccmse.org, tsimos.conf@gmail.com, tsimos.conf@yahoo.com* mailto:chairman@iccmse.org We mention that leaflet can be downloaded from the URL address of the Conference: *http://www.iccmse.org/* http://www.iccmse.org/ With my best regards, Professor Dr. T.E. Simos
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