---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: JECR CFP "Exchange Relationship in the Digital Economy" Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 16:25:03 -0400 From: Lakshmi Iyer lsiyer@UNCG.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Call for Papers
"Exchange Relationship in the Digital Economy"
The rapid proliferation of Electronic Commerce in the form of B2C, B2B Marketplaces, C2C (Consumer to Consumer) as well as development and use of Extranets connecting firms with their partners (suppliers and customers) has given rise to various forms of exchange relationships in the digital environment. These exchange relationships are likely to be of varied duration with some built around a few exchanges over a short period of time, as in B2C and C2C environment, to some that are built around exchanges transpiring over a long period of time as in some B2B Marketplace and through Extranets (with partners).
Understanding the forms of these exchange relationships are crucial to gaining insight into the types of initiatives and actions that firms should undertake to maximize the return on their investments in Electronic Commerce related activities. The initiation, nurturing, development and maintenance of these various forms of exchange relationships are complex partly because of the evolving nature of the underlying technology as well as the complex interaction between what is afforded by the digital environment and the constraints, limitations and advantages offered by the traditional market environment. Hence, the purpose of this call for papers in the Special Issue of the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research is to invite original research papers investigating the Exchange Relationships in the Digital Economy.
Possible topics for papers (theoretical or empirical) submitted to the special issue include but are not limited to:
* Models explicating the various forms of exchange relationship in the B2C, B2B Marketplaces and in the C2C context * The forms of exchange relationship possible and afforded by the digital environment between a firm and its business partners * Factors such as specific characteristics of B2C, B2B Marketplace, C2C that may affect the development of some forms of exchange relationship and not others * Factors facilitating and determining the formation of these various types of exchange relationships in the digital environment * Role of Trust in various forms of exchange relationship in the digital economy * Exchange relationships built around collaborative advantage in the digital environment * Factors affecting and facilitating the initiation, nurturing, development and maintenance of various forms of exchange relationship in the digital environment * Competitive advantage afforded by these exchange relationships in the digital environment * Role of privacy, information security, information sharing, knowledge transfer and sharing in exchange relationships in the digital environment
Guest Editors: Al F. Salam, Ph.D. and Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D. Information Systems and Operations Management University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
For submission guidelines of the manuscripts see the following URL: http://www.csulb.edu/web/journals/jecr/s_g.htm Email your submission as an attachment in any version of Microsoft Word or as a Rich Text File (RTF) to the guest editors for this special issue: Dr. Al F. Salam at amsalam@uncg.edu or Dr. Lakshmi S. Iyer at lsiyer@uncg.edu
Articles that have been presented at a scientific conference are welcome for submission, even though they may be published in non-copy protected Proceedings. However, manuscripts being considered by another journal at the same time will not be accepted.
If accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to submit a final version of the manuscript on an IBM-PC compatible disk or as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) with a short biographical note and a photograph of the author(s). All figures, tables and other artwork must also be submitted in file form or "camera ready" condition
Important Dates:
November 1, 2001 Deadline for Completed Paper Submission March 15, 2002 Completion of First Review May 1, 2002 Completion of Final Review May 15, 2002 Publication
For more information on JECR see http://www.csulb.edu/journals/jecr
Manuscripts and inquires to: Dr. Al. F. Salam Department of Information Technology and Operation management Bryan School of Business and Economics University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC 27402, USA Email: amsalam@uncg.edu Office Telephone: (336) 334-4991 Fax: (336) 334-4083
Dr. Lakshmi S. Iyer Department of Information Technology and Operation management Bryan School of Business and Economics University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC 27402, USA Email: lsiyer@uncg.edu Office Telephone: (336) 334-4984 Fax: (336) 334-4083
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