Forwarded message from [ravit@RPI.EDU (T. Ravichandran)] sent originally on Sun, 6 Feb 2000 21:00:15 +0530: : <html> : <font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=5><b><div align="center"> : Call for Papers<br> : <br> : </font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4></div> : Journal: DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems<br> : <br> : Theme: Component Based Software Development<br> : <br> : </b>This special issue will focus on the latest research concerning : component-based software development. Component-based development (CBD) : has emerged as a new paradigm for software development which is expected : to improve software quality, development lead time and programmer : productivity. The basic idea underlying CBD is that software development : can be significantly improved if applications are quickly assembled from : prefabricated software components. A healthy market for software : components has emerged and an increasingly large collection of software : components is being made available though general, platform specific and : industry specific catalogues. While these developments are expected to : transform applications development from a craft activity to an industrial : process, research is needed to understand how such a transformation can : be effectively achieved and its implications.<br> : <br> : In this issue, we hope to publish papers that examine organizational, : technological and economic issues related to component-based software : development. A wide variety of research perspectives and research : approaches are encouraged. These include, but are not limited to: : conceptual papers that propose theories, experimental papers that are : theoretically motivated, yet whose findings have the potential to : interest practitioners; and field studies that develop new insights that : have the potential to change practice or lead to new theories. Research : focused on the development of tools and methods for CBD are also of : interest. We are particularly interested in papers that are novel and : present new ideas likely to provide directions for current research or : practice. <br> : <br> : Many specific topics are of interest for the special issue, : including:<br> : <br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Drivers : and benefits of CBD<br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Economics : of component-based development<br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Adoption, : use and impacts of CBD <br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Organizational, : managerial and technological infrastructures for CBD <br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Organizational : design for CBD <br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Impact : of CBD on the software development process, process issues in using CBD : <br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Impact : of CBD on the jobs of developers<br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Supply : side issues, economics of CBD for component vendors, software licensing : and copyright issues, component pricing<br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Component : design issues<br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Methodologies : for component-based development<br> : </font><font face="Symbol" size=4>·<x-tab> </x-tab></font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>Modeling : issues in component based development<br> : <br> : Instructions for submitting papers<br> : <br> : Submit an electronic copy of the paper to T. Ravichandran at : </font><font size=4 color="#0000FF"><u></font></u><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>. : The paper should be prepared in accordance with the instructions to : authors listed in the front of each issue of DATABASE or in the journal's : web site: : </font><a href="" eudora="autourl"></a>. : <font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" size=4>We will accept only : electronic submissions in either MS Word or PDF formats. Each paper must : have a title page which includes the title, full names of all authors, : and their complete addresses including affiliation(s), telephone and fax : numbers(s), and e-mail address(es). The second page of the paper should : include the title, a 200-300 word abstract, and keywords, but should not : identify the author(s).<br> : <br> : Important dates<br> : <br> : August 15, 2000: Deadline for submission of papers.<br> : November 15, 2000: Initial round of reviews returned to authors.<br> : January 1, 2001: Deadline for resubmission of selected papers.<br> : March 1, 2001: Authors notified of publication decisions.<br> : April 1, 2001: Deadline for resubmission of accepted papers.<br> : <br> : <br> : <b>Guest Editor for the Special Issue<br> : <br> : T. Ravichandran<br> : Assistant Professor<br> : Lally School of Management & Technology<br> : Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute<br> : Troy, NY 12180<br> : Tel: (518) 276 2035<br> : Fax: (518) 276 8661<br> : Email: </font></b><font size=4 color="#0000FF"><u><br> : <br> : </font></u></html> : : ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer ====ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ===== End of ISWorld List Footer ====
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