-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers 5th IFIP TC2 Central and Eastern European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques (CEE-SET'2011) Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 04:57:37 +0200 From: M Biro biro@gdf.hu To: aisworld aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
*5th IFIP TC2 Central and Eastern European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques (CEE-SET'2011)* Debrecen, Hungary *August 25-26, 2011* http://cee-set.njszt.hu/
**IFIP TC2 CEE-SET is the highly prestigious series of software engineering conferences attracting researchers and practitioners from all over the world, serving as a fertilizing forum for exchanging ideas and experiences concerning software engineering techniques and processes.* *
CEE-SET'2011 is the continuation of previous successful conferences held in Poland and the Czech Republic.
*CEE-SET'2011 received the privilege to grant the **IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software: Theory and Practice* http://www.ifip.org/ifiptc2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=39&Itemid=63*to the best paper to be selected by the CEE-SET Award Committee.*
*We are looking forward to welcoming you to **join the CEE-SET community, contribute to and experience its fertilizing professional atmosphere **in Debrecen, the host city of CEE-SET'2011, one of the most vivid and coziest nooks in Hungary.* http://eng.debrecen.hu/tourist
The conference is a forum for the presentation and evaluation of both currently used methods and techniques and new approaches or directions in software engineering.
The main topics include: * Software architectures * Middleware, frameworks and components * Software components and reuse * Model-driven software development * Software development methodologies * Software requirements engineering and modeling * Software quality * Software measurement and metrics * Software testing, analysis and verification * Software products and process improvement * Formal methods in software engineering * Agile software development methodologies and practices * Maintenance and reverse engineering * Methods and tools in software engineering * Experimentation in software engineering * Evidence-based software engineering * Software projects management * Building empirical models and theories in software engineering * Future of software engineering research and practice * Adaptive and self-managing software systems * Documentation management in software project * Human factors in software engineering * Software engineering training and education * Software engineering for secure and safe systems * Project management * Distributed systems development * Mobile application development
All prospective authors are asked to submit an electronic copy of their manuscript according to the IMPORTANT DATES below through the following web site:
*http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ceeset2011 *.
Selected papers of the previous conferences of the CEE-SET series have been accepted for publication as part of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series and we will do our best to arrange similar publication this year. Therefore, submitted papers must be written in English and they must be prepared according to Springer's LNCS style (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs). They have to present original research, all submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present the paper. Full papers shall not contain more than 12 pages in the format specified by Springer. Work-in-progress submissions are also welcome, they should clearly indicate this fact and not contain more than 6 pages.
In addition to the potential LNCS publication, authors of selected further papers will be invited to prepare revised and extended versions for publication in special issues of scientific journals including the e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal http://www.e-informatyka.pl/wiki/e-Informatica.
* Full-paper submissions (up to 12 LNCS pages): April 30, 2011 * Work-in-Progress submissions (up to 6 LNCS pages): May 15, 2011 * Notification sent to authors: June 15, 2011 * Conference program ready: June 30, 2011 * Camera ready papers due: (LNCS format): June 30, 2011 * Early registration closes: June 30, 2011 * Conference opens: August 25, 2011
The list of the committees and their members is accessible at the conference web site: http://cee-set.njszt.hu/committees
* Early registration and payment before June 30th, 2011: 260 Euro (including VAT) * Registration or payment after June 30th, 2011: 300 Euro (including VAT) * Students', Ph.D. students' registration with proper ID:150 Euro (including VAT)
If you have any questions or run into problems, please send e-mail to: cee-set@inf.unideb.hu mailto:cee-set@inf.unideb.hu