---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Reminder: Deadline Extension-CTS2002 Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 18:06:04 -0500 From: "Dr. Mohsen Guizani" mguizani@cs.uwf.edu To: "Dr. Mohsen Guizani" mguizani@cs.uwf.edu Cc: "William Mcqauy" William.McQuay@wpafb.af.mil, "Luis Concha" Luis.concha@sn.wpafb.af.mil, "Waleed" wsmari@engr.udayton.edu
My apologies if you receive multiple copies:
Due to few requests, the deadline of CTS2002 has been extended as follows. Please make a note of this change.
Paper Submission: September 7, 2001 Notification of Acceptance: October 5, 2001 Registration and Camera-ready: October 29, 2001
Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues who can contribute.
Thanks, --Mohsen Guizani
-----Original Message----- From: Dr. Mohsen Guizani [mailto:mguizani@cs.uwf.edu] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 12:47 AM To: Mohsen Guizani Cc: William Mcqauy; Luis Concha; Waleed Subject: CFP
Dear Colleague:
Attached you find the Call For Participation for the 2002 Collaborative Technologies and Systems Symposium that is to be held in conjunction with WMC'02, January 27-31, 2002 in San Antonio, Texas.
You are cordially invited to participate in this symposium through paper submission, a tutorial, an invited speech, a demo, organizing a special session, or a panel discussion, whichever sounds more appropriate and convenient to you.
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. Feel free to forward this information to all interested parties.
http://www.scs.org/confernc/wmc02/text/cts-cfp.html http://www.scs.org/confernc/wmc02/wmc2002cfp.html
Thank you very much.
Waleed W. Smari
______________________________________________ Waleed W. Smari, Ph.D. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of dayton 300 College Park Dayton. OH 45469-0226 USA Tel: 937-229-2795 Fax: 937-229-4529 Email: Waleed.Smari@notes.udayton.edu
Call for Participation
Collaborative Technologies and Systems Symposium 2002 (CTS02) January 27 - 31, 2002 San Antonio, Texas
In conjunction with the 2002 Western Multi conference (WMC02)
(Submission Deadline: August 17, 2001)
You are cordially invited to participate in and attend the Third Collaborative Technologies and Systems Symposium to be held in San Antonio, Texas January 27-31, 2002 in conjunction with the Western Multi Conference 2002 sponsored by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). The symposium is to address, explore and exchange information on the state-of-the-art in collaborative enterprises, their modeling and simulation, design and use, and their impact. Participation is extended to researchers, designers, educators and interested parties in all CTS disciplines and specialties.
The symposium will include invited presentations from experts from academia, industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations describing original work on the current state of research in collaborative technologies, CT systems and related issues. There will also be tutorial sessions, demos, and a panel discussion.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
o Design of Collaborative Systems o Modeling and Simulation of Collaboration o Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (CE) o Enterprise Heterogeneity o Tools for Collaborative Environments o Collaborative Distributed Simulation Approaches o Collaboration Enabling Technologies o Collaborative and Virtual Simulation Environments o Mobile and Wireless Collaborative Systems o Collaborative Information Infrastructure o Web-Enabled Simulation o Web Infrastructure for Collaborative Applications o Modeling and Simulation of Workflows in o Data Mining and Warehousing for Collaborative Collaborative Environments Technologies o Information Exchange and Fusion for CE o Knowledge Management o Intelligent Agents in Collaborative Applications o Shared Virtual Reality and Applications o Collaborative Enterprise Security o Electronic Notebooks and platforms o Interfaces for Collaborative Work o Requirements Engineering in CE o Coordination Mechanisms o Role-based Access Control o Distributed Shared Design and Development o Project Coordination o Prototyping Environments o Distance and Collaborative Learning o Mapping Tasks into Teams o Group Characteristics and Social Factors in CE o Distributed Team management and the o Collaborative Environments for Simulation Changing Organization Based Acquisition o Collaborative Technologies for Decision Support o Collaboration in the Joint Synthetic Battlespace o Collaborative Simulation for Distributed o Collaboration M&S for Wargaming and Mission Training Exercise Support
Submission of Papers:
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results on above and related CTS topics are solicited. Submission should include, on the cover page, authors names, affiliations, addresses, fax and phone numbers, and email addresses. Please indicate clearly the corresponding author. Include up to 6 keywords from the above list and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Please submit an electronic copy of your full manuscript (not to exceed 15 double-spaced pages including figures, tables, and references) to: Waleed W. Smari, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-0226, USA, Voice: (937) 229-2795, Fax: (937) 229-4529, Email: Waleed.Smari@notes.udayton.edu.
Electronic submissions will be accepted only in PDF format, sent to the email above. The subject of the email must be "CTS 2002." Consistent with standard practice, each submitted paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Initial selection will be based on full papers. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. All accepted papers in the Symposium are expected to be presented and will be included in the conference proceedings.
For information or questions about symposiums paper submission, please contact Waleed W. Smari at above address.
The symposium will also offer tutorials (2-4 -hour) on the state-of-the-art topics in CT. Each tutorial proposal should provide a title, topics to be covered, targeted audience, prerequisites, and a brief biography and qualifications of the instructor. Proposals should be submitted to the symposiums Tutorials Coordinator Jerome H. Reaper, SAIC, 4031 Colonel Glenn Highway, Beavercreek, Ohio, 45431-1600, USA, Voice: (937) 656-4464 (Ext. x-3017), Fax: (937) 253-8003, Email: reaperj@saic.com by August 9, 2001.
Demos and experiential showcases of interactive collaborative environments are highly encouraged. These may include any of the themes outlined in the symposiums topics. Proposals for demos are welcomed and should be submitted to the symposiums Demos Coordinators by August 9, 2001. For more information or if you have questions about organizing a demo, please contact the Demos Coordinators: Andrew Murray, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0210, USA, Voice: (937) 229-2201, Fax: (937) 229-4766, Email: murray@udayton.edu , and Kirk A. Weigand, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Voice: (937) 255-4429, x-3571, Fax: (937) 255-4511, Email: Kirk.Weigand@wpafb.af.mil.
Panel :
A panel session will examine innovative, promising, or controversial CTS issues today. The panel will also address CTS challenges and future prospects. Audience participation will be welcomed. If you have questions concerning the Symposiums panel, please contact Panel Coordinator Vance Saunders, Ball Aerospace, 2875 Presidential Drive, Suite 180, Fairborn, OH 45324, USA, Voice: (937) 320-7031, Fax: (937) 429-1687, Email: vsaunder@ball.com.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline ---------------------------- August 17, 2001 Notification of Acceptance ----------------------------- September 19, 2001 Registration & Camera-Ready Manuscripts Due ------ October 29, 2001
For information or questions about the symposium (CTS02), please contact one of the organizers:
Bill McQuay Waleed W. Smari AFRL/IFSD Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Room N3F22 University of Dayton 2241 Avionics Circle 300 College Park WPAFB, OH 45433 Dayton, OH 45469-0226 USA USA Voice: (937) 255-4529, x-3568 Voice: (937) 229-2795 Fax: (937) 255-4511 Fax: (937) 229-4529 Email: William.McQuay@wpafb.af.mil Email: Waleed.Smari@notes.udayton.edu.
For information or questions about the Western Multi Conference (WMC02), please contact Dr. François E. Cellier, Arizona State University, at cellier@ece.arizona.edu. See http://www.scs.org/confernc/wmc02/wmc2002cfp.html
For information or questions about the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, please refer to www.scs.org.