-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] [CfP] Special Session: Women in Logic Programming - ICLP2020 Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:39:57 +0200 From: Laura Pandolfo lpandolfo@uniss.it Reply-To: Laura Pandolfo lpandolfo@uniss.it To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies for cross-posting]
/IMPORTANT NOTE: The conference general chairs together with the program chairs and the ALP Executive, have decided to hold ICLP2020 as a fully virtual conference on the original week. More details will be forthcoming./
======================================== *Call for papers - Special Session: Women in Logic Programming** **ICLP 2020 - The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming* September 18 - September 24, 2020 University of Calabria, Rende, Italy https://iclp2020.unical.it ========================================
This special session aims to increase the visibility and impact of women in LP, fostering awareness of one another’s work. To have good role models is very important for female students and this session is an opportunity to celebrate women’s work in the community. We hope this will be particularly attractive to early-career women. The session will include one or two invited talks and presentations by women in logic programming.
Contributions are solicited in all areas of logic programming and related areas, with a special focus on applications that are beneficial to society in the large, and to the role of women in society in particular. Any (female) student willing to participate to ICLP can submit their application on the site: https://women.acm.org/scholarships/
Submission Process: ============ The submissions to this special session must be made via the EasyChair conference system (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iclp20200). All submissions must be written in English and co-authored by at least one woman. Authors should select the right track when submitting.
Two types of submissions are invited: Regular and short. • Regular papers must be in the condensed TPLP format (template here) and not exceed 14 pages including bibliography. Regular papers may be supplemented with appendices for proofs and details of datasets which do not count towards the page limit and which will not be made available as appendices to the published paper. • Short papers (7 pages in EPTCS format (http://info.eptcs.org/), including references) can describe original preliminary work or express a position on the special focus of the session. The accepted short papers will be published as Technical Communications, along with the selected ICLP-TC papers. All TCs will be presented during the conference, preferably by women. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost.
Keynote Speakers: =========== To be announced.
Important Dates: ========== Abstract registration (regular papers): May 8, 2020 Paper submission (regular paper): May 15, 2020 Notification to authors (regular paper): June 19, 2020 Paper Submission (short papers): June 30, 2020 Revision submission (TPLP papers): July 6, 2020 Final notifications (TPLP papers): July 17, 2020 Camera-ready copy due: July 27, 2020 Main Conference starts: September 19, 2020
Special Session: Women in Logic Programming Chairs: ================================= Francesca Alessandra Lisi, University of Bari Aldo Moro Alessandra Mileo, INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, Dublin City University
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