Forwarded message from [ (Hans-Dieter Burkhard)] sent originally on Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:27:42 +0200 (MET DST): : Hallo VKI-ler, : : ich m"ochte die deadline f"ur die Proposals f"ur : ECAI-WS in Erinnerung bringen (in Budapest hatten : wir 5 WS aus der VKI!). : : Viele Gr"usse : : Hans-Dieter Burkhard : : ============================================================================= : Prof. Hans-Dieter Burkhard Tel. +49 +30 2093 3167 : : Inst. f"ur Informatik Fax. +49 +30 2093 3168/3169 : Humboldt Universit"at Berlin e-mail: : D-10099 Berlin : Unter den Linden 6 : : Sitz: Rudower Chaussee 25 : 12489 Berlin (Adlershof), Raum 3.4.01 : : : ============================================================================= : : --------------------------------------------------- : : CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS : : The ECAI 2000 Program Committee invites proposals : for workshops to be held in conjunction with the : conference. The workshops will be held on : 21-22 August 2000, immediately prior to the start : of the main conference. : : IMPORTANT DATES : : 1 Nov 1999 Deadline for proposals : 1 Dec 1999 Notification of acceptance : 15 Dec 1999 Deadline for workshop summaries : 7 Jan 2000 Publication of ECAI 2000 workshop programme : 15 June 2000 Camera-ready workshop notes and other information : 21-22 Aug 2000 Workshops at ECAI 2000 : : ECAI workshops : : To encourage interaction, the workshops will be kept small, : preferably under 30 participants and certainly under : 40. Attendance should be limited to active participants only. : Workshops are intended to be genuinely interactive events : and not mini-conferences. Thus, although the format of workshop : presentations are to be determined by their organizers, : ample time should be allotted for general discussion. W : orkshops can vary in length, but most will last a full day. : Attendees at workshops must also register for the main : ECAI 2000 conference. : : How to propose a workshop : : Proposals for workshops should be two to three pages in length : and should contain: : : * A brief technical description of the specific : technical issues that the workshop will address. : * The reasons why the workshop is of interest this time. : * The names, postal address, phone and fax numbers and : email addresses of the Workshop Organizing Committee, : which should consist of at least three people : knowledgeable in the field but not all at the same institution. : * The name of one member of the Workshop Organizing : Committee who is designated the contact person. : * A list of previously-organized related workshops by : any of the Workshop Organizing Committee, although : previous experience with similar workshops is not required. : This is to help the Workshop Coordinator putting : the workshop in context. : * If possible, a list of potential attendees in case : the proposal of the workshop being accepted. : * A schedule for organizing the workshop and a preliminary agenda. : * A summary of the intended workshop Call for Participation, : showing how the organizers will encourage a workshop, : rather than a mini-conference, atmosphere. : * A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any : special room requirements. : : Proposers are encouraged to send their draft proposal to the : potential participants for comments before submission. : : Submission procedure : : Proposals should be submitted electronically (in ascii, : UNIX compatible postscript or rtf) to the ECAI 2000 Workshop : Coordinator, Marie-Odile Cordier, at the following address: : Address for submission : : Marie-Odile Cordier : ECAI 2000 Workshop Coordinator IRISA : Campus universitaire de Beaulieu : 35042 Rennes Cedex : France : Email: : Tel: +33 2 99 84 73 14 Fax: +33 2 99 84 71 71 : : The deadline for receipt of proposals is 1 November, 1999. : For other important dates, see the table above. : : Additional information : : Workshop organizers will be responsible for: : : * Producing and distributing a Call for Participation : in the workshop, open to all members of the AI community. : The Call for Participation should make clear that all : workshop participants are expected to register for : the main ECAI 2000 conference and that the number : of participants is limited. It should also make : clear the process by which the Workshop Organizing : Committee will select the participants (for example, : by reviewing submitted papers). : * Reviewing requests to participate in the workshop : and selecting the participants. : * The production of camera-ready copy for the workshop : notes in accordance with guidelines supplied by the : Workshop Coordinator. : * Providing a provisional list of workshop participants. : * Arranging for a short report on the workshop to be : presented to the main conference if required. : ECCAI encourages the production of publications based on : the workshops, but the ECCAI and ECAI 2000 names cannot : be used on such publications without prior permission being given. : Additional and more detailed information can be found under : : : In case of any disagreement over procedures or arrangements, : the ECAI 2000 Organizing Committee Chair will have final authority. : The ECAI 2000 Organizing Committee reserves the right to cancel : any workshop if deadlines are missed, or if the number of registered : attendees is too low to support the costs related to organizing : and running the workshop. : -------------------------------------------------
-- Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen,