-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] [CfP] ECSCW 2020 Workshop on Fostering Accessibility at the Workplace through CBPR: **Deadline Approaching** Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 10:58:41 +0000 From: Pinatti, Fabiano, Dr. Fabiano.Pinatti@uni-siegen.de Reply-To: Pinatti, Fabiano, Dr. Fabiano.Pinatti@uni-siegen.de To: wi@lists.kit.edu wi@lists.kit.edu
(apologies for any cross-posting)
ECSCW 2020 Workshop on Fostering Accessibility at the Workplace through Community-based Participatory Research
June 14^th , 2020, Siegen, Germany
******* NOTE ON COVID-19 (CORONA) ********
As per the official note from the ECSCW 2020 organisation (https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2020/index.php/information-on-the-current-status-of-...), ECSCW 2020 is still planned to happen between 13^th and 17^th June in Siegen, Germany. We are sensitive to the situation and are monitoring it. Nevertheless, we believe and hope that the situation will be under control by then, so that the conference can take place. Therefore, we warmly invite submissions to our workshop. Should the conference be cancelled, the workshop organisers will devise a sensible alternative for the implementation of and participation in the workshop. We are keen to make this happen and will find a safe and appropriate way to do so, as we are really looking forward to the envisaged exchanges.
************ IMPORTANT DATES ************
* Submission deadline: April 5^th , 2020
* Notification of acceptance: April 24^th , 2020
* Camera-ready: May 10^th , 2020
* Workshop day: June 14^th , 2020
Workshop themes
This workshop addresses how community-based participatory research (CBPR) can support unravelling needs of people with disability from a socio-informatics perspective, so to develop a concept to sensitise society to the relevance of investing in highly accessible solutions at the workplace. Therefore, the workshop addresses issues of inclusion of people with disability in the job market. It targets contributions showing how different approaches have been used in current and past accessibility research and aims at reflecting on the lessons learned from it. In particular, it aims at generating an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches, so to inform how CBPR can better support future accessibility research.
The workshop pays special attention to work contexts, seeking contributions that demonstrate the relevance of CBPR on the design and development of accessible digital solutions for the workplace. Contributors may wish to address a range of issues, including, but not restricted to:
* The adoption of CBPR to investigate and foster accessibility at the workplace;
* The use of alternative methodologies to bring different stakeholders, as for example, people with disability, companies, service providers, researchers and policy makers together in changing organisational, technological and personal circumstances;
* Methodological innovations in the study of accessibility at the workplace;
* Accounts of accessibility initiatives as emerging from novel spatial and organisational contexts;
* The range of organisational aspects, motivational factors, personal values and expectations underling the investment in accessible solutions for the workplace;
* An examination of how we might identify those forces, contexts and dynamics that hinder, resist or work against the momentum of accessibility at the workplace;
* The role of assistive technologies in empowering people with disability, but also in creating a potential range of problems/issues to be dealt with;
* The role of accessible technology as discourse in socially, culturally and ideologically shaping an ‘accessibility culture’;
* The technological, cultural, political and economic rationalities that underpin and legitimise contemporary enactments of accessibility research and foster the establishment of an accessibility culture;
* Explorations of what present and future accessibility culture might look like, and of the challenges and issues we will be addressing for the next ten years.
Interdisciplinary participation from people with and without disability, companies, designers, developers, policy makers, sociologists, psychologists, ethnographers, and other interested people is highly appreciated. In this way, the workshop will provide an important opportunity for different sectors of the society to share ideas and possibly coordinate their efforts.
Types of contribution
Participants who wants to support fostering the workshop discussions will be invited to contribute to the workshop with either posters illustrating their ideas, samples of data collected during fieldwork, or demos/prototypes developed as a result of their research and/or development initiatives. These materials will be the main subject of the discussion.
Workshop dynamics
During the workshop, conversations between the participants will be facilitated by moving away from traditional presentations. Presentation sessions will be followed by more focused short discussions on specific questions/issues, and practical brainstorming exercises to highlight new methodological directions concerning CBPR for accessibility research at the workplace.
Submission format
Participants interested in contributing with the workshop should send a position paper (max 5 pages, including references) introducing the material, ideas or artefacts they would like to address in the workshop. The submission must contain a brief overview of the key ideas and arguments of the contribution and some information on the occupational background of the authors. Additionally, contributors can submit videos, links or any other relevant artefacts of the system they would like to demonstrate during the workshop.
Submissions must adhere to the IRSI series Format: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6e8wtrxsv9t35u3/irsi_template.doc
Submission process
Position papers must be submitted directly to the workshop organisers through the e-mail: cbprar@googlegroups.com mailto:cbprar@googlegroups.com
Review process
Contributions will be reviewed by the workshop organisers and selected on the basis of their quality, compliance with the workshop theme, and the extent (and diversity) of their backgrounds in terms of fieldwork, design, and technology.
Position papers accepted and presented in the workshop will be published in the workshop proceedings, which will be edited by the workshop organisers. The proceedings will include the final versions of all accepted contributions, adjusted to satisfy reviewers’ recommendations. It will be published as an issue of the International Reports of Social-Informatics (IIRSI) series from the International Institute of Socio-Informatics (IISI) in Bonn, Germany.
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, University of Siegen
Sven Bittenbinder, University of Siegen
Claudia Müller, University of Siegen
Nadia David, Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Hamburg e.V.
Bente Hansen, Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Hamburg e.V.
Volker Wulf, University of Siegen
E-Mail: cbprar@googlegroups.com mailto:nomadic-culture-ws@googlegroups.com
More information can be found at https://cbprar.wordpress.com/
Fabiano Pinatti, PhD, MSc
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien Universität Siegen, Fakultät III Kohlbettstraße 15 57072 Siegen
Raum: US-E 117 (Campus Unteres Schloss)
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