The 2nd International Workshop on
Electronic Voting 2006
August, 2nd to 4th 2006 Bregenz, Austria at Lake Constance
Under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Terry DAVIS
Co-organized by Council of Europe (CoE)
ESF: European Science Foundation (ESF) within the project TED: Towards Electronic Democracy
International Federation of Integrated Processing Working Group 8.5 Information Systems in Public Administration
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
This workshop is the international meeting point for e-voting experts from all over Europe and beyond to hold an interdisciplinary and open discussion of all issues electronic voting involves. It is the continuation of the successful 2004 E-Voting workshop in the same location. It also serves as the academic review conference for the 2004 Recommendations on electronic voting of the Council of Europe, preparing the Council of Europe's own biennial review, and guarantees hereby heightened visibility for presentations and papers.
Aim ---
The aim of this ESF TED Workshop is to bring together e-voting specialists working in academia, politics, government and industry in order to
- Discuss all forms of electronic voting (including but not limited to polling station, kiosk or remote voting by electronic means) - Formulate the interdisciplinary issues involved (technology, law, politics and society) in designing and implementing e-voting. - Present new ways of solving the voting paradigm of unequivocal identification of the voter and full anonymity of the vote. - Report on implementations, their legal, organisational and technical framework, the project experience made, and future plans. - Analyse the interrelationship with and the effects of e-voting on, democratic institutions and processes as well as voter behaviour. - Conduct a social and political analysis of the effects of electronic voting. - Report on practical experience in implementing and conducting elections with electronic voting parts. - Discuss security requirements and testing in accordance to international security standards i.e. Common Criteria or ITSEC. - Evaluate electronic voting, the effects of it and how to evaluate experiments.
The idea of this workshop is to discuss the development in this field in a 3-day workshop that deals with the topics from a theoretical view as well as practical case studies.
Venue -----
The workshop "Electronic Voting" will be held in the beautiful Renaissance castle of Hofen at Lochau/Bregenz on the shores of Lake Constance in Austria. Sufficient space will be given to informal communications. An optional cultural program after the workshop is available by visiting the Bregenz Opera Festival at the lake (see
Working language ----------------
The working language of the workshop will be English.
Contributed papers ------------------
The full paper submissions will be subject to a double-blind review. Electronic submissions shall be made through the platform provided at, which serves as an online-system for the whole review process.
Deadlines ---------
Draft of the paper....................24th February 2006 Notification of acceptance .......... 3rd April 2006 Receipt of the final paper............28th April 2006
Accommodation -------------
Accommodation is available at the workshop location either in the castle itself and in hotels in walking distance.
Fee ---
Before 28th April 2006 ...... 175 EUR / student fee......100 EUR After 28th April 2006.........275 EUR / student fee .....175 EUR
The registration fee covers participation in regular, poster and computer sessions, one set of preprints, welcome party, coffee and non-alcoholic drinks, conference dinner and three lunches.
If a registration is cancelled before June 30, 2006, 50 percent of the registration fee will be refunded. No refund will be made after this date. The proceedings will be sent by mail in any case.
Publication -----------
All papers accepted for the Workshop will appear in the Workshop Proceedings. The Workshop proceedings are intended to appear as an edition in the GI Lecture Notes Series.
Best Paper Award ----------------
The IPC will award the best contribution presented at the Workshop.
Funding -------
Limited funding is available to PhD students on application basis. Please apply by 30th of June to with the following content: title and a short (1 page) abstract of your phd and why you want to take part in the workshop.
PDF of Last Years Proceedings -----------------------------
For reference purposes you can have a look at the proceedings of last years conference which is also available at
International Programme Committee ---------------------------------
F. Bannister, Ireland N. Braun, Switzerland T. Buchsbaum, Austria T. Cresswell, USA R. Grimm, Germany M. Janssen, The Netherlands S. French, United Kingdom R. Krimmer, Austria H. Nurmi, Finland W. Polasek, Switzerland A. Prosser, Austria D. Rios, Spain F. Ruggeri, Italy D. Tokaji, USA M. Volkamer, Germany M. Wimmer, Germany
General Enquiries -----------------
Robert Krimmer The Electronic Voting 2006 Workshop Liechtensteinstrasse 143/3 A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43/664/2055990 Fax: +43/1/3193955 E-Mail: Web: