---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Journal VISION: Special Issue on E-Commerce Systems and Manageme nt - Call for papers Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 11:31:09 +0530 From: MPJaiswal MPJaiswal@MDI.AC.IN To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
VISION (The Journal of Business Perspective)
CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on E-Commerce: Systems and Management Electronic Commerce is creating more vibrant economic and business environment due to its inherent advantages. Its providing a paradigm shift in dimensions of competitiveness. Internet is democratic and provides equal opportunity to access business information and carry out transactions to a small entrepreneur in a remote place in developing countries or to a multi-national in a Megalopolis. The electronic commerce promises to grow rapidly as it offers innovative ways to target global and new types of customers, as well as unprecedented opportunities for joint ventures and on-line partnerships. The Internet will enable competitive advantages as it provides multiple avenues for improving corporate performance in key areas, such as information management, communications, research and development, marketing and customer relations. The electronics transactions like cyber cash, on-line credit cards, on-line banking, on-line stock investments etc. can smooth out the bumps in the flow of funds to individual businesses in particular and throughout the overall economy in general. This special issue seeks research articles related to various aspects of E-Commerce. We would particularly welcome articles covering following themes with case studies or with empirical evidences.
THEMES * Emerging E-Business Models * E-Business Systems Architecture * Cyber law and Global Legal Infrastructure * Digital Signature Infrastructure * E-Auction and E-Market * E-Business Risk Management * Information Security Policy * Virtual Enterprise * Mobile Commerce * Electronic Payment Systems * E-Banking * E-Retailing * E-Supply Chain Management * E-Services * Global E-Commerce Systems * E-Governance IMPORTANT DATES * Abstract Submission : July 15, 2001 * Full Paper Submission : September 15, 2001 AUTHORS GUIDELINES : http://www.mdi.ac.in/ (Research & Publication section) SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPS M.P. Jaiswal, Ph.D (Computer Science) Associate Professor, Information Technology Guest Editor, Vision Management Development Institue Gurgaon-122 001, INDIA Telephone : +91-124-6340153/ 63406162 Fax: +91-124-6341189 E-mail : mpjaiswal@mdi.ac.in or Vision@mdi.ac.in mailto:Vision@mdi.ac.in
ABOUT THE JOURNAL Vision, an all purpose journal for business leaders, senior managers, and management researchers publishers research papers, innovative ideas, state-of-the-art industry global as well as Indian context. Vision contains articles from business leaders, management consultants, thinkers, and researchers. Recognizing the need for a quality management journal in India, the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon launched the Journal in January 1988. Vision is published bi-annually. The Journal maintains a balance between research-oriented papers and those derived from the experiences of practitioners.
TYPES OF CONTRIBUTION The Journal publishers research papers and articles, which focus on state-of-the-art management thinking and industry practices. Thus, the journal tries to maintain a balance between research-oriented papers and those derived from the experiences of practitioners. The research based articles should be original and should not have any component published elsewhere. All contributions must highlight implications for managerial and organisational effectiveness and/or policy making.
GUIDELINES TO AUTHORS The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract (not more than 150 words) of the article and introduction of author(s) name(s), designation(s), affiliation(s) past experience and interest areas on separate sheets (50 words per author). The article should not normally exceed 6,000 words. It should be in clear and concise English and be typed on one side of A4 paper in double-line spacing with wide margins. Authors are encouraged to submit articles on disc (using any well-known word-processing package such as MS word). Three copies of the printout should be sent to the Editor alongwith the floppy clearly marked with the software package used including version number, name of authors) and short title of the match exactly. The electronic file can also be sent through e-mail. Papers submitted for consideration for publication in Vision should be accompanied by declaration by the author(s) that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Editorial decision regarding an article accepted for processing in Vision is communicated in 30 days' time.
M P Jaiswal, Ph.D. (Computer Science) Associate Professor, Information Technology Management Development Institute Gurgaon - 122 001 INDIA
Phone: 0124-6340153, 6340166 Ext. 504 Fax : 0124-6341189 E-Mail : mpjaiswal@mdi.ac.in
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