-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP: 2nd Workshop on High Availabilty of Distributed Systems. Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:33:01 +0100 Von: Francesc D. Munoz-Escoi fmunyoz@iti.upv.es Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
* * * HADIS 2006 * * *
Second International Workshop on High Availability of Distributed Systems
in conjunction with DEXA 2006
5 September 2006, Krakow, Poland
High availability (HA) and wide-area distribution of mission-critical IT services are becoming indispensable. HA is receiving rapidly increasing attention, since many web-based services need to be reachable and reliable at any place and any time. System downtimes resulting in a lack of availability are undesirable or even intolerable, due to ergonomic, economical and security reasons. HA has established itself as a benchmark for user acceptance, market viability, system dependability and trustworthiness of distributed systems.
In general, HA refers to the continuous availability and seamless recovery of resources in a computer system, particularly in the wake of component failures. HA is concerned with avoiding single points of failure. This can be achieved ina variety of ways, ranging from vendor-specific support, redundant software and hardware, to solutions that provide distribution and consistent replication of data and processes, reliable group communication, membership management, quorum subsystems, concurrency control, and various other forms of middleware support.
HADIS 2006 will provide a forum for presenting and discussing state-of-the-art, novel and on-going research and development in HA. We are calling for papers reporting original research results, work in progress, industrial experience, or case studies. Submitted contributions should highlight aspects of HA in topic areas including, but not limited to:
* Distributed Databases and Information Systems
* Protocols for Communication, Replication and Recovery
* Failure Resilience, Fault Tolerance and Failover
* Replicated Data and Processes
* Dependability and Reliability
* Local and Wide Area Clustering
* Middleware Architectures
* P2P and GRID Computing
* Load Sharing and Load Balancing
* Software and Hardware Redundancy
* High Performance Computing
* Transparency of Distribution
* Distributed Storage Systems
* HA and Aspect Orientation
* HA and Formal Methods
* HA and Integrity
* HA and Security
* HA and Standardisation
* HA and Trust
* HA and Ubiquity
* HA in Wireless, Mobile and Nomadic Networks
* HA for Service Architectures and Applications
Authors are asked to submit an electronic version (preferably .pdf) of original unpublished work by 3/03/2006. Full papers must currently be neither revised nor published elsewhere, be written in English and not exceed 5000 words. An electronic submission site is operational at the URL shown below. Submissions can also be sent directly to the programme chair. We recommend to use the format of the final versions of accepted papers. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE in a proceedings volume of the DEXA 2006 workshops.
Important Dates
* Paper Submission: 3 March 2006 * Notification: 14 April 2006 * Camera Ready: 15 May 2006 * Workshop: 5 Sept. 2006
* Stephane Bressan, National Univ. Singapore (co-chair) * Hendrik Decker, Instituto Tecnologico de Informatica, Valencia, Spain (chair) * Francesc D. Munoz-Escoi, Univ. Politec. Valencia, Spain (programme chair)
Programme Committee
* Lorenzo Alvisi, Univ. Texas Austin, U.S.A. * Roberto Baldoni, Univ. Roma La Sapienza, Italy * Maria del Carmen Banuls, Max Planck Inst. Quantenoptik, Germany * Stephane Bressan, National Univ. Singapore * Jesus Carretero, Univ. Carlos III, Madrid, Spain * Vicent Cholvi, Univ. Jaume I, Castellon, Spain * Hendrik Decker, Inst. Tecnologico de Informatica, Spain * Pascal Felber, Univ. Neuchatel, Switzerland * Christof Fetzer, Tech. Univ. Dresden, Germany * Pablo Galdamez, Univ. Politec. Valencia, Spain * Karl Goeschka, Tech. Univ. Vienna, Austria * Hamidah Ibrahim, Univ. Putra Malaysia, Malaysia * Bettina Kemme, McGill Univ. Montreal, Canada * Marc-Olivier Killijian, CNRS Toulouse, France * Mikel Larrea, Euskal Herriko Univ., Spain * Pietro Manzoni, Univ. Politec. Valencia, Spain * Jose R. Gonzalez de Mendivil, Univ. Publica Navarra, Spain * Anirban Mondal, Univ. Tokyo, Japan * Francesc D. Munoz-Escoi, Univ. Politec. Valencia, Spain * Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Linkoping Univ., Sweden * Rui Oliveira, Univ. Minho, Portugal * Marta Patino-Martinez, Univ. Politec. Madrid, Spain * Rasmus Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark * Fernando Pedone, Univ. Lugano, Switzerland * Luigi Romano, Univ. Napoli, Italy * Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia, Univ. Politec. Valencia, Spain * David Taniar, Monash Univ., Clayton, Australia * Jesus Villadangos, Univ. Publica Navarra, Spain
See http://www.iti.upv.es/madis/hadis06/index.html for more information.