-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfP Qurator 2020 am Fraunhofer FOKUS Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 14:11:27 +0200 From: Adrian Paschke adrian.paschke@gmx.de To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
*** Call for Papers ***
Qurator 2020 - International Conference on Digital Curation Technologies
20-21 January 2020, Berlin, Germany
https://qurator.ai/konferenz-qurator-2020/ https://qurator.ai/konferenz-qurator-2020/
Digital curation is a complex time and knowledge intensive process, in which knowledge workers create new content artifacts and knowledge insights from heterogeneous sources (content, data, knowledge). The work required for this includes, e.g., selecting, summarizing, scheduling, translating, localising, structuring, condensing, , enriching, visualizing and explaining the various contents, taking into account the steadily growing speed, volume and number of sources such as online newspapers, news portals, social media, linked data, business information systems, IoT data streams etc. AI, in particular from the field of language and semantic knowledge technologies, are used to support these tasks and thereby accelerate and qualitatively improve them.
The conference provides a forum on the use of digital curation technologies in application domains for, e.g., , media, journalism, logistics, cultural heritage, health care and life sciences, energy, industry. Of particular relevance are papers that demonstrate the applied use of digital curation technologies and tools in domain-specific use cases and that bridge traditional boundaries between disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web, data analytics and machine learning, information/content and knowledge management systems, information retrieval, knowledge discovery, and computational linguistics.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
Management of Digitally Curated and Semantically Expressive Information and Knowledge
. Knowledge representation and semantic knowledge management
. Semantic content and data modeling and digital knowledge curation of
. Semantic integration, including transformation rules, ontology matching, merging, etc.
. Ontology and rule engineering and metadata management
. Ontology-based data management, linked data management, semantic big data management
. Processes, workflows, roles and responsibilities in digital curation
AI-based / Semantic Large Scale and Complex Information and Content Analysis
. indexing, search and query answering in large volumes of data
. digital curation, semantic annotation, extraction, enrichment, summarization, and integration
. semantic storytelling, identification and generation of story paths and story lines
. text and content classification, especially for advanced class-specific processing workflows
. text genere and hypertext genre (web genre) classification
. (smart/big) data analytics, data mining, and machine learning / deep learning
. information and knowledge extraction including text mining
. streaming analytics, and semantic complex event processing
Applications, Evaluations, and Experiences of applying digital curation technologies , standards, and tools including but not limited to the following domains:
. AI / Semantic technology standards and tools
. (Corporate) Semantic Web and Linked Data
. Semantic enterprise information systems and knowledge management
. Semantic business process management (SBPM) and decision models
. Semantic Web and the Internet of Things (IoT)
. Crowdsourcing, human computation, and the People Web
. AI/Semantic services and semantic Multi Agent Systems (MAS)
. Personalisation and digital content interaction
. Hypertext, multimedia, and hypermedia
. Semantic storytelling and corporate smart content
. Ubiquitous and mobile information systems
. Information/data governance, information assurance, security, compliance
. Semantic cloud computing, edge computing, fog computing
. Semantic Web applications and tools for eCommerce, eScience, eCulture, media, Industrie 4.0
. Legal ontologies, rules, and reasoning
. Distributed ledger / blockchain technologies for novel data/content management and smart contracts
Paper submission: Oct. 14, 2019
Notification of acceptance: Nov. 8, 2019
Camera ready due: Nov. 29, 2019
Conference: Jan. 20-21, 2020
Types of submission
The following types of submissions are invited:
Regular papers: (10-15 pages)
Research papers - Original research on a topic of interest.
In-use papers - New applications and tool descriptions addressing a topic of interest.
Short papers: (5-9 pages)
Use Case and Position papers - use case descriptions and application notes, discovery notes, using digital curation applications and tools.
Poster and Software demo papers - present software and tools in action.
Industry application papers: report on industrial applications addressing a topic of interest
Instructions for authors
All submissions will be handled via the EasyChair submission system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qurator2020.
All papers and posters/demos must be in English and submitted in pdf using the LNCS format http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
Submissions for regular papers must be between 10-15 pages and submissions for short papers must be between 5-9 pages.
Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Scientific Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the CEUR-WS.org online proceedings at http://ceur-ws.org/.
Organizing Committee
Adrian Paschke, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Clemens Neudecker, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany
Georg Rehm, DFKI, Germany
Lydia Pintscher, Wikimedia, Germany
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