-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] MobiWIS 2011 CFP - The 8th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 07:39:22 -0400 From: Xitong Li xitongli@mit.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
--------------Call for Papers----------------------
The 8th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS)
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, September 19-21, 2011
Advances in the Web and mobile technologies offer new and exciting services to users in every walk of life including commerce, business, entertainment, education and science among others. These new developments however introduce many new challenging problems as users demand fast, easy and reliable access to the high volume of web information and services from anywhere, on any device and any platform. The International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS) aims to promote the state of the art in scientific and practical research of the mobile Web and information systems. It provides a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and public sector in an effort to present their research work and share knowledge and experiences of the tools, techniques, technologies, models and methodologies that lead to better information and service provisioning in the mobile Web and information systems. The conference comprises various technical tracks which feature recent research in this important area.
* SOA and mobile Web information systems * Context-aware services * Mobile Web and cloud services * Data management in mobile Web * Mobile Web of things * Mobile Web and social networks * Quality of Service (QoS) management * Mobile Web security and privacy * Mobile commerce and business services * Mobile Web design and development * General track: Web and mobile information services
Important Dates: Submission Deadline April 4,2011 (extended) Author Notification May 15,2011 Author Registration May 30,2011 Final Manuscript Due June 15,2011
For details on paper submission guidelines, please check the conference website.
Publication: All MobiWIS-2011 accepted papers will be printed in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series (on-line and CD). Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on www.Elsevier.com http://www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com http://www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com http://www.scopus.com) and Engineering Village (Ei) (www.engineeringvillage.com http://www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI Compendex (www.ei.org/compendex http://www.ei.org/compendex). The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers. You will be able to provide a hyperlink to all delegates and direct your conference website visitors to your proceedings.
Selected papers will also be published in the special issue of the International Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Application (Springer).
MobiWIS 2011 Workshops:
First International Workshop on Smart Environments and Collective Intelligence for Disaster Management http://www.derby.ac.uk/computing/research/secidm2011
The Fifth International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges http://cs.adelaide.edu.au/~iwrt2011/ http://cs.adelaide.edu.au/%7Eiwrt2011/
Organizing Committees:
General Chair: Ken Barker, University of Calgary, Canada
Program Chairs: Muhammad Younas,Oxford Brookes University, UK Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia
Advisory Committee: Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA Salima Benbernou, Universiti Paris Descartes, France Athman Bouguettaya, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia Fabio Casati, University of Trento, Italy Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T J Watson Research Center, USA Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia Georg Gottlob, Oxford University, UK Makoto Takizawa, Seikei University, Japan
Program Vice Chairs: Patrick Brezillon, University Paris VI, France Luis Carrico, University of Lisbon, Portugal Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy Irwin King, AT&T Labs Research, USA Brahim Medjahed, University of Michigan, USA Mohamed Mokbel, University of Minnesota, USA Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USA Jukka Riekki, University of Oulu, Filand Toyotaro Suzumura, IBM Research Tokyo, Japan David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Workshops Chairs: Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia
Local Arrangements Chairs: Nauman Aslam, Dalhousie University, Canada Ramiro Liscano, University of Ontario, Canada
International Liaison Chairs: Irfan Awan, Bradford University, UK Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology,Japan William Knottenbelt, Imperial College, UK
Publicity Chairs: Natalia Kryvinska, University of Vienna, Austria S.M.F.D Syed Mustapha, Asia eUniversity, Malaysia Joyce El Haddad, University of Paris Dauphine, France
Awards Chairs: Markus Aleksy, ABB AG, Germany Kuo-Ming Chao, Coventry University,UK
----------------------------------------------------- Xitong Li, PhD, MIT Sloan School of Management Tel: +1 (617)253-0985 tel:%2B1%20%28617%29253-0985 Homepage: http://www.mit.edu/~xitongli/ http://www.mit.edu/%7Exitongli/