-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfPs KM Conference 2019 - Warsaw, Poland, June 26-29, 2019 Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 15:39:55 +0100 From: Ewa Z. ewzi60@gmail.com To: AISWorld aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
*KM Conference 2019* *Knowledge Management, Learning, Information Technology* *Hosted by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Warsaw, Poland* *Warsaw, Poland, June 26-29, 2019 * http://iiakm.org/conference/
Dear colleagues, On behalf of Conference Chairs and Program Chairs, we would like to invite you to participate in KM 2019, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland on June 26 - 29, 2019. The KM Conference 2019 will provide a showcase for the latest research in practice and pedagogical topics that focus on knowledge management, learning, and information technology, as well as how they are used to improve and sustain quality in organizations. You are invited to share your research on the conference theme or other relevant KM research with the educators and professionals attending the KM 2019 International conference. Papers covering related academic and technical issues are also encouraged.
Please visit http://iiakm.org/conference/ to see the suggested topics. All high marked papers will be fast-tracked for publication in the Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management (OJAKM, ISSN 2325-4688). OJAKM is the official publication of the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (http://www.iiakm.org/ojakm/). Other papers and abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. All submissions are double-blind refereed.
*Important Dates/Deadlines:* • Submission deadline of complete papers or extended abstracts: *February 1, 2019* • Reviews and responses to authors: *March 1, 2019* • Submission of the final version of accepted papers or extended abstracts: *March 28, 2019*
****INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXCHANGE FOR PHD STUDENTS AND YOUNG ACADEMIC STAFF**** On behalf of the Conference Chairs, Professor Joanna Paliszkiewicz and Professor Michał Pietrzak, we are excited to announce that the KM2019 received the opportunity to allow Ph.D. students and young academic staff (under the age of 40) to submit a proposal for travel funding to KM2019 in support of the EU International Scholarship Exchange Program. For additional information, see: http://www.sggw.pl/en/international-cooperation_/educational-programs/tempus...
If selected, the program can cover the cost for coming to conference. ****The deadline for application is the 18th of December, 2018 ****
Our Call for Papers is attached to this email. Please forward it to your colleagues.
*Looking forward to seeing you in Warsaw! *
Best regards, Ewa Ziemba Program Committee Member University of Economics in Katowice, Poland