-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for Participation - AI*IA 2005 Datum: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 13:43:14 +0200 Von: Bandini Stefania bandini@disco.unimib.it Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
Apologies for multiple posting
Call for Paticipation =================================================================== AI*IA 2005 IX CONGRESS OF THE ITALIAN ASSOCIATION FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE September 20-23, 2005 University of Milano-Bicocca http://aiia2005.disco.unimib.it/
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this 9th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, which will be held in Milan on 20-23 September 2005.
Best Regards, Stefania Bandini (General Chair)
*** Accommodation should be booked as soon as possible, since Milano will host other events in September 2005.
- Larry Hunter UCHSC Center for Computational Pharmacology University of Colorado - Denver (USA)
- Roberto Cordeschi Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione University of Salerno - Salerno (Italy)
- John Gero Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition University of Sydney - Sydney (Australia)
September, 20 - 2005 ----------------------------------------
W1) Evolutionary Computation Program Chair: Stefano Cagnoni, University of Parma W2) Cultural Heritage Organizer: Luciana Bordoni, ENEA, Italy W3) Ambient Intelligence Organizers: Rita Cucchiara, Univ. of Modena, Gian Luca Foresti, Univ. of Udine Paolo Remagnino, Kingston University W4) Computational Knowledge meets Economic Analysis Organizers: Stefania Bandini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa W5) Current challenges in speech and natural language processing Program Chairs: Giuseppe Riccardi, University of Trento Giorgio Satta, University of Padua
September, 21 - 2005 ---------------------------------------- CONGRESS OPENING
Invited talk Larry Hunter, "Biognostic Systems" UCHSC Center for Computational Pharmacology University of Colorado - Denver (USA)
Theoretical Research: Results and Proposals 1 Andrea Ferrara, Paolo Liberatore, Marco Schaerf "The Complexity of Action Redundancy" Nicolas Lachiche, "Good and Bad Practices in Propositionalisation" Stefania Bandini, Alessandro Mosca, Matteo Palmonari "A Hybrid Logic for Commonsense Spatial Reasoning"
Applications: Systems and Prototypes 1 F. Esposito, N. Fanizzi, L. Iannone, I. Palmisano, G.Semeraro "A counterfactual-based learning algorithm for ALC Description Logic" Michelangelo Ceci, Margherita Berardi, Donato Malerba "Relational Learning: Statistical approach versus logical approach in Document Image Understanding" Teresa M.A. Basile, Floriana Esposito, Nicola Di Mauro, Stefano Ferilli "Handling continuous-valued attributes in Incremental First-Order Rules Learning"
Theoretical Research: Improvements and Consolidations 1 Alessandro Mazzei, Vincenzo Lombardo "Building a wide coverage dynamic grammar" Maria Teresa Pazienza, Marco Pennacchiotti, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto "A Linguistic Inspection of Textual Entailment" Guido Boella, Joris Hulstijn, Leendert van der Torre "Argumentation for Access Control" Sylvie Doutre, Trevor Bench-Capon, Paul E. Dunne "Determining Preferences through Argumentation"
Applications: Systems and Prototypes 2 Alban Grastien, Marie-Odile Cordier, Christine Largouët "Automata Slicing for Diagnosing Discrete-Event Systems with Partially Ordered Observations" Sara Manzoni, Fabio Sartori, Giuseppe Vizzari "A General Framework for Substitutional Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning" M. Lettere, D. Guerri, R. Fontanelli "Prototypal Ambient Intelligence Framework for Assessment of Food Quality and Safety" P. Terenziani, S. Montani, A. Bottrighi, M. Torchio, G. Molino, G. Correndo "Managing clinical guidelines contextualization in the GLARE system"
Theoretical Research: Improvements and Consolidations 2 Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa, Alessandro Moschitti "A Semantic Kernel to exploit Linguistic Knowledge" Arianna Gallo, Roberto Esposito, Rosa Meo, Marco Botta "Optimization of Association Rules Extraction Through Exploitation of Context Dependent Constraints" A. Giordana, U. Galassi, L. Saitta "Experimental Evaluation of Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models" Nicola Di Mauro, Floriana Esposito, Stefano Ferilli,Teresa M.A. Basile "Avoiding Order Effects in Incremental Learning"
Applications: Case Studies and Proposals 1 Annalisa Appice, Michelangelo Ceci, Donato Malerba "Mining Relational Association Rules for Propositional Classification" Hassen Taleb, Mohamed Limam "Fuzzy multinomial control charts" James F. Smith III "Fuzzy Logic Resource Manager: Fuzzy Rules and Experiments" Bin Yu, Chun-Tian Cheng, Zhong-Zheng Yang and Kwokwing Chau "Application of PGA on Optimization of Distribution of Shopping Centers"
September, 22 2005 ----------------------------------------
Invited talk - Roberto Cordeschi Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione University of Salerno - Salerno (Italy)
Marco Gori President of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
AIIA Prizes - Young Researcher Prize TBA - PhD Thesis Prize TBA - Master Thesis Prize TBA
Luigia Carlucci Aiello, "1956-2006: Towards the 50th Anniversary of the Artificial Intelligence birth" Presentation of the Calendar of Events for the 2006 Celebrations
Poster Session
Meeting of the Members of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
Social Dinner
September, 23 - 2005 ----------------------------------------
Invited talk John Gero Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition University of Sydney (Australia) "Situated Design Computing: What Computing Can Learn from Situated Cognition"
Theoretical Research: Improvements and Consolidations 3 Enrico Giunchiglia, Marco Maratea "Evaluating Search Strategies and Heuristics for Efficient Answer Set Programming" Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Paolo Torroni "The SCIFF abductive proof-procedure" Bassam Baki, Maroua Bozid "Scheduling with Probability and Temporal Constraints" N. Policella, A. Cesta, A. Oddi, S.F. Smith "Schedule Robustness through Solve-and-Robustify: Broadening Search to Generate Flexible Schedules"
Applications: Systems and Prototypes 3 Haris Dindo, Antonio Chella, Ignazio Infantino "Anchoring by Imitation Learning in Conceptual Spaces" Alberto Finzi, Andrea Orlandini "Human-Robot Interaction through Mixed-Initiative Planning for Rescue and Search Rovers" F. Aznar, M. Sempere, M. Pujol, R. Rizo "Bayesian Emotions. Developing an interface for robot/human communication" I. Macaluso, E. Ardizzone, A. Chella, M. Cossentino, A. Gentile, R. Gradino, I. Infantino, M. Liotta, R. Rizzo, G. Scardino "Experiences with CiceRobot, a museum guide cognitive robot"
Theoretical Research: Improvements and Consolidations 4 Flavio Soares Correa da Silva, Wamberto W. Vasconcelos "Agent-Based Management of Responsive Environments" Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci "An Organisation Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Systems based on Agent Coordination Contexts" Stefano Borgo "Modal Operators with Adaptable Semantics for Multi-agent Systems" Ruggero G. Pensa, Jean-Francois Boulicaut "Towards fault-tolerant formal concept analysis" N. Dragoni, M. Gaspari, D. Guidi "An ACL for Specifying Fault-Tolerant Protocols"
Applications: Systems and Prototypes 4 Daniele Gunetti, Claudia Picardi, and Giancarlo Ruffo "Dealing with Different Languages and Old Profiles in Keystroke Analysis of Free Text" Francesco Agostaro, Agnese Augello, Giovanni Pilato, Giorgio Vassallo, Salvatore Gaglio "A Conversational Agent Based on a Conceptual Interpretation of a Data Driven Semantic Space" Giovanni Angelini, Marco Ernandes, Marco Gori "Solving Italian crosswords using the Web" Roberto Pirrone, Giovanni Pilato, Riccardo Rizzo, Giuseppe Russo "Learning Path Generation by Domain Ontology Transformation" Carmagnola Francesca, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre "A Multidimensional Framework for the Representation"
Theoretical Research: Results and Proposals 2 Marco Cadoli, Toni Mancini "Using a theorem prover for reasoning on constraint problems" Andrea Roli "On the impact of small-world on local search" Leonardo Vanneschi, Marco Tomassini, Philippe Collard, Manuel Clergue "Effective Genetic Programming"
Applications: Case Studies and Proposals 2 Domonkos Tikk, Zsolt T. Kardkovàcs, Gàbor Magyar, P. Ferenc "Entity Recognizer in Hungarian Question Processing" Ki Young Lee , Jong Kuk Kim, Myung Jin Bae "Recognition Algorithm for Korean Postpositions by Detecting Accentual Boundaries" G. Armano, G. Mancosu, A. Orro, M. Saba, E. Vargiu "BIOPACMAS: A Personalized, Adaptive, and Cooperative MultiAgent System for Predicting Protein Secondary Structure"
CONGRESS SECRETARIAT Federica Sartori Department of Computer Science, Systems and Communications (DISCo) University of Milano Bicocca Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 Bld U7 20126 Milan (ITALY) tel. +39 02 64487812 fax +39 02 64487805 e-mail: aiia05@disco.unimib.it
WEBSITES AI*IA 2005 Conference Web Site http://aiia2005.disco.unimib.it/ Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence http://www.aixia.it/
************************************************** Prof. Stefania Bandini L.INT.AR. - Artificial Intelligence Lab (Director) Department of Computer Science, Systems and Communication University of Milano-Bicocca Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 9 (Bld U7- 4th fl.- #434) 20126 Milan (ITALY) tel. +39 02 64487835 - fax +39 02 64487805 e.mail: bandini@disco.unimib.it