-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] Call for Participation: STAF 2016 - Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, July 4-8, Vienna, Austria Datum: Mon, 23 May 2016 08:03:40 +0000 Von: Mayerhofer Tanja mayerhofer@big.tuwien.ac.at Antwort an: Mayerhofer Tanja mayerhofer@big.tuwien.ac.at An: wi@lists.kit.edu wi@lists.kit.edu
------------------------------------------------------------------------ First Call for Participation: STAF 2016 - Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations July 4-8, 2016 TU Wien, Vienna, Austria http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at ------------------------------------------------------------------------
STAF is the umbrella event of * ECMFA - 12th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, * ICGT - 9th International Conference on Graph Transformation, * ICMT - 9th International Conference on Model Transformation, * SEFM - 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, * TAP - 10th International Conference on Tests and Proofs, and * Satellite Events related to these conferences.
***** Early registration is open until June 1 ***** ***** Registration grants for students are available *****
--------------------- About STAF ---------------------
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF) is a federation of leading conferences on software technologies. It was formed after the end of the successful TOOLS federated event (http://tools.ethz.ch) in 2012. The participating conferences focus on practical and foundational advances in software technology covering a wide range of aspects including formal foundations of software technology, testing and formal analysis, graph transformations and model transformations, model driven engineering, and tools.
STAF 2016 will be hosted at TU Wien located in the center of Vienna. Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a city of over 1.8 million inhabitants. It is one of the renown cultural centers of Europe with an eventful history. TU Wien is among the most successful technical universities in Europe and is Austria's largest scientific-technical research and educational institution. For 200 years, TU Wien has been a place of research, teaching and learning in the service of progress. Details on the conference venue are provided at http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/conference-venue/
--------------------- Registration ---------------------
You can register online to all events of STAF at http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/registration/.
*** Early registration: until June 1***
For students, we offer student registration grants. All details about the application procedure are provided at http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/student-registration-grants/.
--------------------- Keynotes ---------------------
* Erika Ábrahám (RWTH Aachen University, Germany): Satisfiability Checking: Theory and Applications
* Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA): Abstractions, Semantic Models and Analysis Tools for Concurrent Systems: Progress and Open Problems
* Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada): A Model-Based Driver's License for Self-Driving Cars: Challenges and Future Directions
* Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma in Madrid, Spain): Model Typing Transformations
* Juergen Dingel (Queen's University, Ontario, Canada): Complexity is the Only Constant: Thoughts on Trends in Computing and Their Relevance to MDE
* Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark): From Testing and Verification to Performance Analysis and Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems
* Klaus Reichl (Thales Austria): Using Formal Methods for Verification and Validation in Railway
* Stefan Voget (Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany): Usage of domain specific modeling languages in the automotive industry
More information on the keynotes may be found at http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/keynotes/
--------------------- Program ---------------------
The tentative program of all events is available at http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/program-overview/
--------------------- Main Conferences ---------------------
* ECMFA - 12th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications http://ecmfa2016.itu.dk/ * ICGT - 9th International Conference on Graph Transformation https://sites.google.com/site/icgt2016/
* ICMT - 9th International Conference on Model Transformation http://is.ieis.tue.nl/research/ICMT16
* SEFM - 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/sefm/
* TAP - 10th International Conference on Tests and Proofs http://tap2016.ist.tugraz.at/
--------------------- Satellite Events ---------------------
* TTC - 9th Transformation Tool Contest http://www.transformation-tool-contest.eu/
* Doctoral Symposium http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/call-doctoral-symposium/
* Projects Showcase - 2nd event dedicated to international and national project dissemination and cooperation http://staf2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/call-projects-showcase/
* BigMDE - 4th Workshop on Scalable Model Driven Engineering http://www.big-mde.eu/
* DataMod - 5th International Symposium on From Data to Models and Back http://pages.di.unipi.it/datamod/edition-2016/
* FORECAST - Workshop on FORmal methods for the quantitative Evaluation of Collective Adaptive SysTems http://forecast.disia.unifi.it/
* GCM - 7th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models http://gcm2016.inf.uni-due.de/
* HOFM - 3rd Workshop on Human-Oriented Formal Methods: From Readability to Automation https://hofm2016.wordpress.com/
* MELO - Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization http://www.disim.univaq.it/melo16/
* SEMS - 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets http://spreadsheetlab.org/sems-16/
* VeryComp - 1st International Workshop on Formal to Practical Software Verification and Composition http://verycomp2016.disim.univaq.it/
--------------------- Contact ---------------------
For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the organization team at staf2016@big.tuwien.ac.at.
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi