-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] CASA'2009: First Call for Papers Datum: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 00:14:08 +0100 Von: iglesias iglesias@unican.es Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
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First Call for Papers
Seventh International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Their Applications, CASA'2009 Kyung-Hee University, Global Campus, Yongin (KOREA) June 29- July 2 2009 Conference web site: http://personales.unican.es/iglesias/CASA2009/ Contact person: Andres Iglesias, iglesias@unican.es
INVITATION ---------------- Computer Algebra (also known as Symbolic Computation or Computational Algebra) has found applications in many domains of science such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science, computational biology, education, etc. The computer algebra systems (CAS) such as Mathematica, Maple, MuPAD, Reduce, Axiom, Lie, Matlab, Scilab, CoCoa, MuMATH, Derive, Pari-GP, SMP, MathCAD, Macsyma, Scratchpad, Magma, Singular, SARAG, Risa/Asir, GAP (and many others that have been developed so far) are becoming more and more popular and now they are valuable tools for teaching, research and industry.
This workshop solicits high-quality papers for presentation describing original research results in Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications.
TOPICS ------------
- Computer algebra applications to Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Social Sciences, Arts, Entertainment, Architecture, etc. - Symbolic-numerical computations using computer algebra systems - Computer algebra systems and Internet - Industrial applications of computer algebra - Problem-solving environments - Symbolic-numeric interface - Computer algebra systems in Education - Computer algebra based simulations - New computer algebra developments (packages, notebooks, etc.) - New symbolic/numeric computation algorithms - New issues in symbolic computation
IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------
January 31, 2009: Draft papers due March 24, 2009: Notification of Acceptance April 12, 2009: Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration June 29- July 2, 2009: Conference at Kyung-Hee University (KOREA)
PROCEEDINGS ------------------------
All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. In addition, the accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS --------------------
For paper submission, please refer to the URL:
and follow the instructions indicated there.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ----------------------
If you have questions with the procedures or encounter any problems please contact the workshop chair Andres Iglesias by e-mail at: iglesias@unican.es
----------- END OF CALL FOR PAPERS ---------