-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (DSDM'11) - Selected paper will be on special issues Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 15:50:01 +0000 From: Ming Li lim.lamda@hotmail.com To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
[Apologies if you receive this more than once] =============================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS DSDM'11: 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (Held in conjunction with PAKDD'11 , Shenzhen, China, May 24-27, 2011) http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/conf/dsdm11/ (Papers Due: 23:59 (PST), January 18, 2011) ==============================================================================
**** Due to multiple requests, our submission deadline has been extended *****
The 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (DSDM'11) aims to provide a forum for Ph.D. students and junior researchers who have just received their Ph.D. degrees, where the participants can have the opportunity to present and discuss their recent works on data mining foundations, techniques and applications with senior researchers in the community. The goals of this symposium are: * Allowing Ph.D. students to seek for constructive feedbacks and advices from senior researchers; * Bridging possible research collaborations; * Contributing to the conference goals by interacting with other researchers at the main conference.
The authors that satisfy the following conditions are invited to submit their manuscripts related all aspects of data mining to the symposium: * The first author or corresponding author of the paper is a Ph.D. candidate; * The first author or corresponding author of the paper just received his/her Ph.D. degree within 2 years.
The best paper award of DSDM'11 will be granted to the Ph.D. student who submitted his/her original work to the symposium, based on the evaluation from the PC members. A registration (either regular or student) covers the access to both doctoral symposium and the PAKDD'11 main conference. **** Extended version of the selected papers on DSDM'11 will be invited to an EI-indexed journal "Frontiers of Computer Science in China" (Springer).
Topics: ------- The 1st PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (DSDM'11) calls for research papers reporting original investigation results, real-world applications and system development experience, in all aspects of data mining. The topics of the DSDM'11 papers fall into two major categories which will include but are not limited to the following: A. Data Mining Foundations A1. Theoretic Foundations A2. Novel Models and Algorithms A3. Statistical Methods A4. Association Rules A5. Classification and Ranking A6. Clustering A7. Robust and Highly Scalable Data Mining Algorithms A8. Privacy Preserving Data Mining A9. Parallel and Distributed Data Mining A10. Interactive and Online Mining A11. Pre-processing and Post-processing in Data Mining A12. Knowledge Management A13. Data and Knowledge Visualization B. Data Mining in Specialized Domain B1. High Dimensional Data B2. Imbalanced Data B3. Spatial and Temporal Data B4. Stream Data B5. Graph Data B6. Uncertain and Probabilistic Data B7. Semi-Structured/Unstructured Data B8. Biological and Medical Data B9. Software Engineering Data B10. Scientific Data B11. Financial Data B12. Multimedia Data B13. Web Data and the Internet B14. Security and Intrusion Detection B15. Mining Social Networks B16. Mining Trends, Opportunities or Risks B17. Mining with Auxiliary Data Sources
*** Please note that, as a doctoral symposium, DSDM'11 also calls call for papers that summarize the authors' own recent works (either published or ongoing) related to his/her Ph.D. dissertation.
Publication and Paper Submission: --------------------------------- Accepted papers will be published in the PAKDD'11 workshop proceedings of LNCS series. Each paper should consist of a cover page with title, authors' names, postal and email address, an up to 200-words abstract, up to 5 keywords and a body no longer than 12 single-spaced pages with font size at least 11 pts. Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer's manuscript submission guidelines (available at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ) for their initial submissions. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only, using the conference management tool. Please make sure that any special fonts used are included in the submitted documents. Detailed instructions will be available soon on the DSDM'11 website (http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/conf/dsdm11/).
Important Dates: ---------------- * Paper Submission Deadline: 23:59 (PST), January 18, 2011 * Author Notification: January 31, 2011 * Camera Ready Deadline: 23:59 (PST) February 18, 2011
Symposium Organization: ----------------------- Co-Chairs: * Ming Li Nanjing University, China * Reynold C.K. Cheng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China * Mi-Yen Yeh Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC
Program Committee: * Deng Cai Zhejiang University, China * Chien Chin Chen National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC * Lei Chen Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China * Jiefeng Cheng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China * Byron Choi Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China * Chi-Yin Chow City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China * Gao Cong Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Bi-Ru Dai National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC * Wei-Shinn Ku Auburn University, USA * Shou-De Lin National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC * Fei Tony Liu Monash University, Australia * Man-Kwan Shan National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan, ROC * Jie Tang Tsinghua University, China * Lei Tang Yahoo! Labs, USA * Ivor Tsang Nanyang Technological University, Singapore * Chi-Yao Tseng Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC * Raymond Wong Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China * Shan-Hung Wu National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC * De-Chuan Zhan Nanjing University, China * Min-Ling Zhang Southeast University, China * Jun Zhu Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Contact ------- For further information, please visit the symposium website at http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/conf/dsdm11/. Any questions, comments and suggestions should be directed to DSDMchairs@gmail.com mailto:DSDMchairs@gmail.com.