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Subject: CFP: Conceptual Modeling for Mobile Systems Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 21:32:52 -0500 From: Keng Siau ksiau@UNLNOTES.UNL.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
ER/IFIP8.1 Workshop on
Conceptual Modelling Approaches to Mobile Information Systems Development
MobIMod'2002 Tampere, Finland 11 October 2002 Submission deadline: 17 June 2002
Workshop co-chairs:
Dr. John Krogstie, SINTEF and Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology Dr. Keng Siau, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Dr. Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Mobility is perhaps the most important market and technological trend in information and communication technology. With the advent of new mobile infrastructures providing higher bandwidth and constant connection to the network from virtually everywhere, the way people use information resources is predicted to be radically transformed.
The rapid development of information technology (IT), particularly communication and collaboration technologies, are substantially changing the landscape of organizational computing. Workers in many business areas are becoming increasingly mobile. Workers in more and more areas will be required to act more flexibly within the constraints of the business processes of the company (or companies) they are currently working for. At the same time they will often want to use the same information technology to support their private tasks. During the last few years, a new breed of information system has emerged to address the situation, and these systems are referred to as m-commerce systems or mobile information systems
Description of Workshop Topic:
As mobile information systems evolve from techno-centric to business-centric systems, better systems development approaches, including conceptual modeling approaches, are needed to address the growing complexity of such systems.
Mobile information systems also come with new challenges for their developers and users. They will have to supply and to adopt services that go beyond traditional web-based systems and e-commerce systems. From the enterprise (user) point of view, three levels of such services can be identified: 1. Services that an enterprise offers to their professional and private customers. 2. Services that help different enterprises to effectively combine their business processes. 3. Services an enterprise provides to its employees to support internal business processes.
Conceptual modelling techniques can be used for the development of a large range of information systems. In the case of mobile information systems, we identify the following areas for increased utility of the techniques developed as part of model-driven development:
* Model driven integration * Dependability of mobile information systems * Adaptability of systems to context * Development of systems on a wide range of client platforms * Process support for mobile workers
Objective of Workshop:
The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in modeling methods for mobile information systems to meet, and exchange research ideas and results. It also provides this group of researchers an opportunity to present their research papers and experience reports, and to take part in open discussions.
Topics of Interest:
The relevant topics for this workshop include (but are not limited to) the following aspects of m-commerce and mobile information systems:
* Mobile commerce models and architecture * Service modeling * Mobile access to enterprise systems (ERP, CRM, SCM etc) * Enterprise modeling and business process re-engineering supporting mobile information systems introduction * Workflow modeling * Meta-modeling and method engineering * Evaluation of modeling languages and experience * Modeling of access control to provide security and privacy * Content personalization and user modeling * Context modeling * Requirement modeling, including the modeling of non-functional requirements * Information and database modeling * Component engineering and integration * Geographical information systems and location based services * Cross-platform conceptual interface modeling * Mobile modeling tools * Modeling of embedded systems * (Mobile) Agent modeling and design * Agile modeling, extreme modeling, and extreme programming
Important Dates:
Deadline for papers (received): June 17, 2002 Notification of paper acceptance: August 5 2002 Deadline for camera-ready copies: September 6, 2002 ER Conference and workshops: October 7-11, 2002
Submission Guidelines:
Submission guidelines for ER-workshop papers are provided at http://er2002.cs.uta.fi/info/submission_guidelines.html". Some additional points:
* Include a cover page with the paper title as well as the authors' names, affiliations, phones, faxes, and email addresses. * The second page should begin with the title of the paper followed by an abstract of no more than 150 words. Also include keywords chosen from the list of main topics above. The main text will follow the keywords. This is to facilitate the blind review process. * Use fonts no smaller than 11-point.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Email your article as an attachment to John.Krogstie@sintef.no. Please send electronic submissions in word or PDF format.
Proceedings of all workshops will be published as a single volume in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, separate from the conference proceedings, after the workshops. Preprints of the papers will be distributed at the workshops. It is recommended that the text for preprint editions be written following the final set of format guidelines provided by the Springer-Verlag "Authors' Instructions" http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
International Program Committee:
* Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University, USA * Sjaak Brinkkemper, Baan Company, Netherlands * Jasbir Dhaliwal, Norwegian School of Management, Norway * Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands * Georges Grosz, CGI France * Hannu Kangassalo, University of Tampere, Finland * Ravi Kalakota, E-business Strategies, USA * Steven Kelly, MetaCase Consulting, Finland * John Krogstie, SINTEF and IDI, NTNU, Norway * Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, USA * Sal March, Vanderbilt University, USA * Andreas L. Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway * Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Matti Rossi, Helsinki University, Finland * Keng Siau, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA * Guttorm Sindre, University of Trondheim, Norway * Mikael B. Skov, Aalborg University, Denmark * Kari Smolander, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland * Gerhard Wijers, ID Research, Netherlands
For more information, please contact:
Dr. John Krogstie SINTEF Forskningsveien 1 P.O.Box 124 Blindern N-0314 Oslo, Norway Phone +47 93417551 Fax: +47 22067350 Email: John.Krogstie@sintef.no
Also see updates at: http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~krogstie/MobIMod-CFP.htm
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