---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Call For Papers: JSME - Large Packaged Software Maintenance Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 08:04:17 +1000 From: Guy Gable g.gable@QUT.EDU.AU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Call For Papers - Special Issue of JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND EVOLUTION http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1040-550X/ "Large Packaged Software Maintenance"
DEADLINES: 1 June 2001 - Submission of Paper 30 June 2001 - Selection Decision 31 July 2001 - Final Submission
CO-EDITORS of the special issue:
Guy G Gable, Director Information Systems Management Research Centre (ISMRC) Queensland University of Technology g.gable@qut.edu.au 617 3720-8805 (voicemail & fax)
Taizan Chan, Associate-Director ISMRC Information Systems Management Research Centre (ISMRC) t.chan@qut.edu.au
Wui Gee Tan Institute of Systems Science National University of Singapore amber@post1.com
A range of influences has encouraged the increasing uptake of large application software packages, which already account for a substantial portion of the world-installed base of application software. Most software maintenance research to date has largely addressed the user organisation perspective and custom, in-house developed applications (see shaded box in figure at web site below).
In this special issue we seek to address maintenance issues in relation to packaged software. Also, as suggested in the figure, we perceive many important issues in relation to packaged and hybrid (combination of package and custom) software that are of relevance to stakeholders other than the user organisation (e.g. software vendors, consultants, society). In example, software vendors must be acutely aware of the maintenance requirements of their products, which are installed across hundreds or, thousands of customer organisations. Also, maintenance costs may be born by the vendor, the customer, or a third party. Factors that influence the incidence of these costs and related activities and responsibilities are of keen interest. How does package maintenance differ from custom software maintenance? To what extent are package maintenance concepts generic and extensible beyond a particular vendor's product? What differences in the roles and expertise of the maintenance team do these dissimilarities suggest? What factors determine the amount of in-house maintenance required of packaged software and hybrid solutions?
Articles submitted to this special section will be reviewed in accordance with JSME editorial policy http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1040-550X/ Submissions should be submitted electronically as a Word file attached to an email message to: Professor Guy Gable, g.gable@qut.edu.au
Electronic copy of this call for papers and further details are at: http://www.fit.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/ism/jsme/cfp.htm
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