-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: APWeb'06 Call-For-Papers Datum: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 20:03:29 +0200 Von: APWeb'06 apweb2006@kti.ae.poznan.pl Antwort an: APWeb'06 apweb2006@kti.ae.poznan.pl An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
The Eighth Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb’06) =================================================
January 16-18, 2006 Harbin, China http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~apweb06 ----------------------------------
IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission: July 25, 2005 Full paper submission: August 1, 2005 Acceptance notification: September 26, 2005 Author registration: November 8, 2005 Camera-ready copy: November 8, 2005 -------------------------------------------
APWeb'06 is the eighth in this series of international conferences on WWW Technologies. It aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from both academic and industry to exchange knowledge on WWW-related technologies and new advanced applications. Previous APWeb conferences were held in Beijing (1998), Hong Kong (1999), Xi'an (2000), Changsha (2001), Xi'an (2003), Hangzhou (2004) and Shanghai (2005).
APWeb'06 includes but is not limited to the following topics:
* Web Information Systems * Web search and meta-search * Location-based services * Web data mining * XML data management * Multimedia * Grid computing * Peer-to-peer systems * Spatial and temporal data * Stream data processing * Sensor networks * Web-based collaboration * Web-based learning * User interfaces * Information visualization * Web-based database integration * information retrieval * Web query languages * Data caching * Service-oriented computing * Security, privacy and trust * Workflow management systems * Content management * Deep Web * Web applications * Mobile computing * Web services * Semantic Web and Ontology * Digital libraries * Personalization and localization * Web design and evaluation * Distributed and parallel processing
PAPER SUBMISSION ================ APWeb'06 invites full papers describing original contributions in all fields of Internet and WWW related research and applications. A submission should be no more than 25 pages double spacing (about 5000 words), including all figures. Each paper will be fully refereed by the program committee and judged on its originality, significance, technical quality, relevance to APWeb'06 as well as presentation. All submissions should be in English. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one author will attend the conference to present the work.
All papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format to the conference website. The title and abstract should be submitted first.
PUBLICATION =========== The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer in its Lecturer Notes in Computer Science series. Complete instructions for authors regarding submission and formatting procedures can be found at the APWeb'06 website. Papers will be accepted in three categories: regular papers, short papers, and industry papers.
BEST PAPER AWARDS ================= The APWeb'06 program committee will select one winner for the Best Paper Award (all regular papers are eligible) and one winner for the Best Student Paper Award (only the regular papers whose first author is a full-time student are eligible). The winner of each award will be presented at the conference with an award certificate, a cheque of US$500 and an invitation to submit an extended version of the award-winning paper for the consideration of publishing in the Journal of WWW.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ==================== General Chair Masaru Kitsuregawa University of Tokyo, Japan
Program Committee Co- Chairs Jianzhong Li Harbin Institute of Tech., China
Xiaofang Zhou Univ. of Queensland, Australia
Publication Chair Heng Tao Shen Univ. of Queensland, Australia
Workshop Chair Jeffrey X. Yu Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Industrial and Demo Chair Yoshiharu Ishikawa Tsukuba University, Japan
Panel and Tutorial Chair Athman Bouguettaya Virginia Tech., USA
Local Organization Chair Hong Gao Harbin Institute of Tech., China
Publicity Co-Chairs Chengfei Liu Swinburne University, Australia
Ge Yu Northeasten University, China
Treasurer Qing Li City Univ. of Hong Kong, China
WISE Society Liaison Yanchun Zhang Victoria University, Australia
Organized by: ============= Harbin Institute of Technology University of Queensland University of Tokyo City University of Hong Kong
Sponsored by: ============= IEEE Computer Society The WISE Society